
put down是什么意思 put down在线翻译 put down什么意思 put down的意思 put down的翻译 put down的解释 put down的发音 put down的同义词

put down [put daun]  [pʊt daʊn] 

put down 基本解释

放下; 镇压; 记下; 估计

put down 相关例句


1. When I entered, she put by the letter she was reading.

2. She always put down her boyfriend, but he didn't seem to mind.

3. Will you put down your address here?

4. danci.911cha.com

4. Put the typewriter down here.

put down 网络解释

1. put down

1. 放下:19. 这是你的弟弟吗?Is this your brother? | 20. 捡起pick up | 21. 放下put down

2. 记下:put away 储存 | put down 记下 | put off 推迟

3. put down的反义词

3. 镇压:public prosecutor检察官 | put down镇压 | quash镇压,粉碎

4. 记下,放下;镇压,平定:put away放好,收好;储存 | put down记下,放下;镇压,平定 | put forward提出

put down 词典解释

1. 写下;记录;键入
    If you put something down somewhere, you write or type it there.

put down是什么意思

    e.g. Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date...
    e.g. We've put down on our staff development plan for this year that we would like some technology courses...

2. 付(定金)
    If you put down some money, you pay part of the price of something, and will pay the rest later.

put down

    e.g. He bought an investment property for $100,000 and put down $20,000...
    e.g. He's got to put cash down.

3. 镇压(暴乱或叛乱)
    When soldiers, police, or the government put down a riot or rebellion, they stop it by using force.

put down是什么意思

    e.g. Soldiers went in to put down a rebellion.

4. 贬低;奚落;使窘迫
    If someone puts you down, they treat you in an unpleasant way by criticizing you in front of other people or making you appear foolish.

put down什么意思

    e.g. I know that I do put people down occasionally...
    e.g. She learned to stop putting herself down and comparing herself to others...

5. 杀死(具危险性或生病的动物)
    When an animal is put down, it is killed because it is dangerous or very ill.

put down在线翻译

    e.g. Magistrates ordered his dog Samson to be put down immediately...
    e.g. They think that any legislation that involved putting down dogs was wrong.

put down 单语例句

1. It even dared to change what had been put down in black and white in history.

2. The officer put up with it in order to hold off the woman's charge, but later broke down in tears.

3. Firefighters and repair workers were working at the scene to put down the fire and clean up the aftermath of the explosion.

4. Insiders said the cut would put a dent on many firms'profitability and even close down some which are relying heavily on exports.

5. That's why most employers do not dare to put it down as company policy and some even deny the existence of verbal warnings.

6. The corgi was treated by royal vets but had to be put down, reports said.

7. Put the cot down and she'll go off like an alarm.

8. When the fall 2006 collections were paraded down the runway last February, one designer after another put leggings on their willowy models.

9. They have also put up banners with the slogans " We strongly oppose our houses being torn down " and " No one should destroy our homes ".

10. This lump sum can be put down as a deposit when employees buy a home.

put down 英英释义


1. make a record of
    set down in permanent form

    Synonym: recordenter

2. put down in writing
    of texts, musical compositions, etc.

    Synonym: write downset downget down

3. put (an animal) to death

    e.g. The customs agents destroyed the dog that was found to be rabid
           the sick cat had to be put down

    Synonym: destroy

4. leave or unload

    e.g. unload the cargo
           drop off the passengers at the hotel

    Synonym: dropdrop offset downunloaddischarge

5. cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place

    e.g. set down your bags here

    Synonym: set downplace down

6. put in a horizontal position

    e.g. lay the books on the table
           lay the patient carefully onto the bed

    Synonym: layrepose

7. reduce in worth or character, usually verbally

    e.g. She tends to put down younger women colleagues
           His critics took him down after the lecture

    Synonym: take downdegradedisgracedemean

8. cause to come to the ground

    e.g. the pilot managed to land the airplane safely

    Synonym: landbring down

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