
qualified是什么意思 qualified在线翻译 qualified什么意思 qualified的意思 qualified的翻译 qualified的解释 qualified的发音 qualified的同义词

qualified [ˈkwɒlɪfaɪd]  [ˈkwɑ:lɪfaɪd] 


qualified 基本解释


形容词有资格的,胜任的,适当的,合格的; 过检定的,得到许可的; 有限制的,有条件的; (俚)十足的,无比的

及物动词描述,形容; 使合适; 授权予; 有权,达标

不及物动词合格,成为合格; 取得…的资格

qualified 同义词


qualified 反义词


qualified 相关词组

1. in a qualified sense : 在有限的意义上, 在一定范围的意义上;

qualified 相关例句


1. qualified的反义词

1. Are you qualified to doctor?

2. qualified的近义词

2. She gave qualified agreement.

3. She is qualified to do the job.

4. Their reaction was one of qualified praise.

qualified 情景对话

Language school-(语言学校)




A:I said, “Bonjour!”


B:What’s wrong with you, Ted?

A:I’m speaking French. Don’t you know anything?

B:What’s wrong with speaking English?

A:Well, I just got back from my language school. We have to speak French all day there. No English allowed!


B:What are you doing that for?

A:I’m trying to learn new skills. It makes me more qualified for a good job.

B:Good for you.

qualified 网络解释

1. 合格的:人才招聘的原则应该是尽可能地吸引合格的(qualified)候选人. 如果招来的人不合格, 则纯粹是吃力不讨好,浪费时间.对于over qualified 的人,也不宜录用, 因为这种人不会安心工作, 很有可能在短期内跳槽, 人事部门不得不重新招聘. 从某种意义上讲也是浪费资源和时间.

2. qualified的解释

2. 合格:后来First Act为证明自己是合格(qualified)的乐器供应商因此开始参加NAMM并斩受First Act品牌的吉他. 以上提供大家参考.

qualified 词典解释

1. (通过考试)取得资格的,有资格的,合格的
    Someone who is qualified has passed the examinations that they need to pass in order to work in a particular profession.

    e.g. Demand has far outstripped supply of qualified teachers...
    e.g. The reader should seek the services of a qualified professional for such advice.

2. (支持、赞同)有限度的,有保留的
    If you give someone or something qualified support or approval, your support or approval is not total because you have some doubts.

    e.g. The government has given qualified support to the idea...
    e.g. Mr Wade answers both questions with a qualified yes.

3. 有限的成功;部分成功
    If you describe something as a qualified success, you mean that it is only partly successful.

    e.g. Even as a humanitarian mission it has been only a qualified success.

qualified 单语例句


1. Many qualified workers are needed to fill spots in the rapidly expanding financial sector, particularly within the personal wealth management business.

2. It has allowed foreign investors to buy into the market through a Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor scheme.

3. Market makers are qualified financial institutions which offer selling and buying prices of currencies and trade those currencies to keep the market liquid.

4. The import permits are granted to the qualified sellers with licences granted by car makers.

5. He said migrant people were allowed for the first time to vote in Beijing, with a certificate of qualified voters issued by the authority of their hometown.

6. Hopefully we can finish in the top four, which means we will be qualified for the AFC Champions League.

7. It is the only venue in the country qualified to host world canoeing competitions.

8. The CSRC will quicken its steps to promote the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors scheme, which allows foreign asset managers to invest in the Chinese capital markets.

9. China lacks qualified financial professionals and therefore, has remained largely defensive in the face of the impact from international capital flows.

10. Qualified domestic shipyards would be encouraged to list or issue bonds to solve capital shortage problems.

qualified 英英释义


1. contingent on something else

    Synonym: dependentdependant

2. restricted in meaning
    (as e.g. `man' in `a tall man')

    Synonym: restricted

3. meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task

    e.g. many qualified applicants for the job

4. limited or restricted
    not absolute

    e.g. gave only qualified approval

5. holding appropriate documentation and officially on record as qualified to perform a specified function or practice a specified skill

    e.g. a registered pharmacist
           a registered hospital

    Synonym: certified

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