
queue是什么意思 queue在线翻译 queue什么意思 queue的意思 queue的翻译 queue的解释 queue的发音 queue的同义词 queue的反义词 queue的例句

queue [kju:]  [kju] 


queue 基本解释

名词(人或车辆)行列,长队; 辫子



queue 相关例句


1. We queued for the bus.

2. We queued up for the bus.

3. They queue d for a taxi.


1. queue

1. The queue at the ticket window extended all the way to the street corner.

queue 网络解释

1. 排队:该部分可以通过floorcontrol协议结合SOAP或者SIP协议实现底层控制可以支持不同的底层控制策略,比如:moderator控制,或者自动排队(queue)先接入先服务规则.

2. 排列:SOCKS 5, ftp-gw, WinGate proxy等等远端目录的快取功能;排列(queue)管理;还有许多进阶的使用者命令等等. 3.6.3 Wu-FTP 安装Wu-FTP 根据服务对象的不同,FTP服

3. 伫列:所以类别中之所有物件均不允许在类别外任意存取操作 (d) 多型(Polymorphism)特性,即指以单一指令可唤起不同之虚拟(Virtual)函式.堆叠(Stack)无法用阵列结构表示 (b) 堆叠采用先进先出(FIFO) (c) 伫列(Queue)可用阵列与串列结构表

4. queue在线翻译

4. queue:q; 队列

queue 词典解释

Queueing can also be used as the continuous form. 进行式亦可用queueing 。

1. (等候的)一列人,一队车辆
    A queue is a line of people or vehicles that are waiting for something.

    e.g. I watched as he got a tray and joined the queue...
    e.g. She waited in the bus queue...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 line

2. (为得到某机会而等待的)长列,长队
    If you say there is a queue of people who want to do or have something, you mean that a lot of people are waiting for an opportunity to do it or have it.


    e.g. Manchester United would be at the front of a queue of potential buyers...
    e.g. Single parents got priority in the housing queue...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 line

3. 排队(等候)
    When people queue, they stand in a line waiting for something.


    e.g. I had to queue for quite a while.
    e.g. ...a line of women queueing for bread.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 line up

4. 队列(指等待计算机处理的任务列表)
    A queue is a list of computer tasks which will be done in order.

    e.g. Your print job has been sent to the network print queue.

5. 使(待处理任务)成队列
    To queue a number of computer tasks means to arrange them to be done in order.

相关词组:queue up

queue 单语例句

1. The grandfather wants to motivate his grandson to learn English by buying him the book, a desire shared by most parents in the queue.

2. The fight occurred at around 8 am when a queue formed at a shop at 194 Lockhart Road in Causeway Bay.

3. A queue of more than 100 metres formed outside one centre in Causeway Bay, the most populous area on Hong Kong Island.

4. Despite the mercury continuing to shoot up to top 31 degrees Celsius in the city, many pavilions still saw visitors queue for more than three hours before entering.

5. A Reuters reporter saw fans having to wait in a queue several hundred metres long with no shade in temperatures of around 30 Celsius.

6. There has been no long queue of drivers at gas stations in the city, a sign of enough fuel supply.

7. The 10 most common examples of bad behavior included setting up street stalls, spitting and throwing garbage on the street and queue jumping.

8. A long queue circles the Sweden Pavilion, which is a common scene at the Expo since its opening in May.

9. The compulsive manner of the queue jumper was such that her takeaway order was being commenced with right away.

10. The loud crushing queue was frantic at the window, other people trying to resell their continuation ticket as soon as they heard a destination.

queue 英英释义


1. a braid of hair at the back of the head

2. (information processing) an ordered list of tasks to be performed or messages to be transmitted

3. a line of people or vehicles waiting for something

    Synonym: waiting line



1. form a queue, form a line, stand in line

    e.g. Customers lined up in front of the store

    Synonym: line upqueue up

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