
raid是什么意思 raid在线翻译 raid什么意思 raid的意思 raid的翻译 raid的解释 raid的发音 raid的同义词 raid的反义词 raid的例句 raid的相关词组

raid [reɪd]  [red] 


raid 基本解释


名词(骑兵队等的)急袭,突然袭击,突击,(军舰等的)游击; 劫掠,劫夺,(盗贼,狐等的)侵入; 突然查抄[搜捕],围捕

不及物动词对…进行突然袭击; 进行奇袭

及物动词突然袭击[抢劫]; 突然搜查; 劫掠; 打劫

raid 相关例句


1. raid什么意思

1. The police raided the house and uncovered a cache of weapons.

2. Our troops raided the enemy camp.

3. The university is out to raid faculties from coast to coast.


1. raid的意思

1. Commandos made another raid on the French coast.

2. The police made a raid on the house looking for drugs.

3. raid

3. The hungry children made a raid on the pantry.

raid 网络解释

1. 冗余独立磁盘阵列:基本数据存储 - 冗余独立磁盘阵列(RAID)将保护存放在您机房空间外的存储数据,存储设备将您的系统与外部存储区域网络直接相连,世博科技互联网数据中心的存储服务提供商将为您提供您所需的服务.

2. 袭击:无尽的任务种类繁多,每个种族,每个职业以及每个地区都有着不同任务. 相对每个种族的每个职业都有自己特定的任务体系. 任务根据难度分可以分为新手任务、团队任务、史诗任务、袭击(RAID)任务.

3. 团队副本:郑重介绍:WOW中有职业玩家和休闲玩家之分,职业玩家是在固定的时间中有固定的内容,多数以副本(FB)为主,大多数为大型团队副本(RAID)活动. 休闲玩家有PVP和PVE之分,这个不好解释,糖糖只好说,PVP就是对打,PVE就是和别人一起打NPC.

4. raid的反义词

4. 团队:举行一场典礼制造出一个灵魂之井,团队(RAID)成员可以点击灵魂井获得一块宗师级治疗石. 灵魂之井存在5分钟,最多使用10次,需要术士和两个队伍成员一起进行典礼召唤,任何一个人员都不能在战斗状态,并且典礼时不能移动.

5. raid:redundant arrays of inexpensive disks; 廉价冗余磁盘阵列

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. raid:redundant arrays of inexpensive disk; 磁盘阵列

7. raid:redundant arrays of independent disks; 独立磁盘冗余阵列

8. raid的意思

8. raid:redundant array of inexpensive disk; 廉价磁盘冗余阵列

raid 词典解释

1. 突袭;突击
    When soldiers raid a place, they make a sudden armed attack against it, with the aim of causing damage rather than occupying any of the enemy's land.

    e.g. The guerrillas raided banks and destroyed a police barracks and an electricity substation.

2. (警察)突击搜捕,搜查
    If the police raid a building, they enter it suddenly and by force in order to look for dangerous criminals or for evidence of something illegal, such as drugs or weapons.


    e.g. Fraud squad officers raided the firm's offices.

3. (入室)抢劫;打劫
    If someone raids a building or place, they enter it by force in order to steal something.

    e.g. A 19-year-old man has been found guilty of raiding a bank.

4. 扫荡(冰箱、食品柜等处)的食物
    If you raid the fridge or the larder, you take food from it to eat instead of a meal or in between meals.

    e.g. She made her way to the kitchen to raid the fridge.

raid 单语例句

1. Police confiscated 19 stolen cars in the raid on his cab company of June 20, and on Tuesday took the man into custody for further questioning.

2. It said the two were seized in a raid on Tuesday that also netted a large weapons cache.

3. Ivory Coast warplanes had earlier executed a devastating raid on a French army camp killing the nine men and wounding 23 others.

4. An investigation following the raid led to the arrests of a prison warden, a National Guard captain whose unit patrolled the prison and seven other officials.

5. Burnham's captivity ended after an army raid on the militants in June 2002 that killed her husband and a Filipino nurse.

6. The reason for the raid was that the young Palestinian had carelessly told Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint that he was a political science student.

7. Enforcement officials seized 189 bottles of fake Chateau Lafite wine during a recent raid in the provincial capital Wuhan.

8. He disputed that CPS doesn't know who the baby's father is, citing the thousands of church marriage documents seized from the ranch during the weeklong raid.

9. The raid came a day after Israeli troops discovered an explosives lab in the city, the West Bank's commercial center.

10. ROK coast guard said it was holding 23 Chinese fishermen in custody for questioning after an ROK raid that left one Chinese crew member dead.

raid 英英释义



1. an attempt by speculators to defraud investors

2. a sudden short attack

    Synonym: foraymaraud


1. search for something needed or desired

    e.g. Our babysitter raided our refrigerator

2. enter someone else's territory and take spoils

    e.g. The pirates raided the coastal villages regularly

    Synonym: foray into

3. take over (a company) by buying a controlling interest of its stock

    e.g. T. Boone Pickens raided many large companies

4. search without warning, make a sudden surprise attack on

    e.g. The police raided the crack house

    Synonym: bust

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