
railing是什么意思 railing在线翻译 railing什么意思 railing的意思 railing的翻译 railing的解释 railing的发音 railing的同义词 railing的反义词

railing [ˈreɪlɪŋ]  [ˈrelɪŋ] 


railing 基本解释

名词栏杆; 由横木做成的篱笆


railing 相关例句


1. He grasped the iron railing with both hands.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. There were railings round the park.

3. The stranger peered with curiosity through the railings into the courtyard.

railing 网络解释

1. 栏杆:用铁棒撬开锁,进去将大箱子(BIG CRATE)推开,露出了秘密按钮(SECRET BUTTON),按下后得到了激光枪(LASER),走上甲板时别忘了拿桨(OAR). 来到后甲板(TO REAR DECK),TIM将粗绳系在栏杆(RAILING)上,然后纵身一跳,落到了狼头人面前......

2. 扶手:謝謝echotpe兄的翻譯,在原文所附第7張照片有吊牀(hammock)的說明. 本案的樓梯扶手(railing)也是多餘鋼筋做的(+紅色塑膠管繩).

3. 围栏:Structural 提供参数化的楼梯、爬梯、平台、围栏(Railing)等. 这些物件也可以加入材料统计﹐及进行碰撞检查. Structrual Detailing Center 提供带自动尺寸标注的图纸. 依据所需可以出设计断面或平面图、每一根钢结构部件(Member)及钢板(Plates)的细部详图.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 栏杆,扶手:过滤器 FILTER | 栏杆,扶手 RAILING | 抗磨板 WEAR PLATE

railing 词典解释

1. (金属的)栏杆,围栏
    A fence made from metal bars is called a railing or railings.


    e.g. He walked out on to the balcony where he rested his arms on the railing.
    e.g. ...the iron railings of the convent grounds.

2. see also: rail

railing 单语例句

1. A nation that started out railing against capitalism now embodies many of its most extreme elements.

2. When Roddick retired, he handed the mangled racket to young fans clustered along the railing as he exited.

3. She had scrubbed off the old paint from the walnut railing to the second floor to reveal the original wood grain dating back to 1890.

4. The car was only centimeters away from the edge, and there was no railing.

5. She then charged out of the flat, climbed over the outside railing and stood at the edge of the building.

6. " But he bounced over the railing, " the newspaper said.

7. According to sources from Shenyang traffic police, a Nissan sedan scudded along the road and suddenly ran over the safeguard railing.

8. He was believed to have climbed up on a trash can before falling over the railing 25 m to the ground.

9. She said the earlier tanker deal was " on course for Boeing " before McCain started railing against it.

10. The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs.

railing 英英释义



1. a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports

    Synonym: rail

2. material for making rails or rails collectively

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