
rake是什么意思 rake在线翻译 rake什么意思 rake的意思 rake的翻译 rake的解释 rake的发音 rake的同义词 rake的反义词 rake的例句 rake的相关词组

rake [reɪk]  [rek] 


rake 基本解释


名词耙子; 放荡的男人; 倾斜度

动词耙; 梳理; 扫视; 搜寻

rake 相关例句


1. The rescue team raked the area for a trace of lost travellers.

2. He raked the hillside with powerful glasses.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. They raked in a fortune.


1. I like to rake.

rake 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 耙子:棍棒(club)标志影响道路上的强盗;耙子(rake)标志影响草地上的农夫;盾牌(shield)标志影响城市中的骑士. 这是一款石器时代(Stone Age)主题的卡卡颂机制游戏. 玩家通过板块来建造史前的风景. 板块有森林、河流、湖泊和草原.

2. rake

2. 耙:编如下故事记忆:将烤(bake)做(make)好的蛋糕(cake)拿到(take)湖(lake)边去吃,遇到猪八戒,握(shake)过手后一起吃,突然出现一条蛇(snake),猪八戒的大耙(rake)向它打去,引起地震(earthquake),

3. 草耙:以提供优于单路相关器的信号检测,然后在此基础上进行解调和判决. 由于这种接收机收集所有接收路径上的信号,其作用与农用多齿草耙(RAKE)的作用相似,故称为RAKE接收机. 图1是简化的RAKE接收机的组成图.

4. rake

4. 扫击:且由残忍撕咬(Ferocious Bite)造成的伤害可以提高3%(点满效果提高到40%和15%)增加怒殴/猛扑(Pounce)的击晕时间0.5秒(点满为1秒)(这个猛扑(Pounce)好像也是新技能.目前小D没这个技能)增加破坏(Ravage)/扫击(Rake)/爪击(Claw)

rake 词典解释

1. (长柄的)耙子,钉齿耙
    A rake is a garden tool consisting of a row of metal or wooden teeth attached to a long handle. You can use a rake to make the earth smooth and level before you put plants in, or to gather leaves together.


2. 耙松;耙平
    If you rake a surface, you move a rake across it in order to make it smooth and level.


    e.g. Rake the soil, press the seed into it, then cover it lightly...
    e.g. The beach is raked and cleaned daily.

3. 用耙子耙(树叶、灰土等)
    If you rake leaves or ashes, you move them somewhere using a rake or a similar tool.


    e.g. I watched the men rake leaves into heaps...
    e.g. She raked out the ashes from the boiler.

4. (用枪或光)扫射,扫过
    If someone rakes an area with gunfire or with light, they cover it thoroughly by moving the gun or the light across from one side of the area to another.

    e.g. Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire...
    e.g. The caravan was raked with bullets...

5. (树枝或手指甲)刮擦,抓,划
    If branches or someone's finger nails rake your skin, they scrape across it.


    e.g. Ragged fingernails raked her skin...
    e.g. He found the man's cheeks and raked them with his nails.

6. (在一堆东西中)搜索
    If you rake through a pile of objects or rubbish, you search through it thoroughly with your hands.

    e.g. Many can survive only by raking through dustbins.

7. 放荡的人;浪子;流氓
    If you call a man a rake, you mean that he is rather immoral, for example because he gambles, drinks, or has sexual relationships with many women.


相关词组:rake inrake overrake up

rake 单语例句

1. A similar sale last year helped Vanke rake in 257 million yuan cash in a single day.

2. The nighttime starting times of these matches offer bars the chance to really rake in the cash.

3. His directorial work Triple Tap became the first to rake in 100 million yuan in the summer of 2010.

4. Christie's had estimated the second sale would rake in between 3 and 4 million euros, with all the proceeds going to an AIDS research charity.

5. Newspapers rake in a lot of money by carrying adverts promoting potent drugs such as Viagra and many Chinese herbal medicines that help sexual lives.

6. An AP reporter watched soldiers shoot their way into the mosque in Maiduguri on Wednesday and then rake those holed up inside with gunfire.

7. Yang then found himself targeted by netizens looking to rake the muck, with photos surfacing of Yang wearing 11 luxury wristwatches.

8. Drought continues to rake Chongqing, the most important city on the upper reaches of the Yangtze River.

9. Zhao rarely gets pocket money and was hoping to rake in a lot during the festival to buy her favorite Japanese comics.

10. Han also anticipates that in 2011 China will see films that are able to rake in more than 100 million yuan a day.

rake 英英释义


1. a long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head
    used to move leaves or loosen soil

2. degree of deviation from a horizontal plane

    e.g. the roof had a steep pitch

    Synonym: pitchslant

3. a dissolute man in fashionable society

    Synonym: rakehellprofligateripbloodroue


1. scrape gently

    e.g. graze the skin

    Synonym: grazecrease

2. gather with a rake

    e.g. rake leaves

3. level or smooth with a rake

    e.g. rake gravel

4. move through with or as if with a rake

    e.g. She raked her fingers through her hair

5. examine hastily

    e.g. She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

    Synonym: scanskimglance overrun down

6. sweep the length of

    e.g. The gunfire raked the coast

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