
receipts是什么意思 receipts在线翻译 receipts什么意思 receipts的意思 receipts的翻译 receipts的解释 receipts的发音 receipts的同义词

receipts [rɪ'si:ts]  [rɪ'si:ts] 


receipts 基本解释


名词收据; 收入; (企业、银行等)收到的款,进款; 收到( receipt的名词复数 ); 收条

receipts 情景对话


A:That means (we don’t have any/ there aren’t any/ we need) any receipts for $225.




A:We need to figure out how much money we’re spending and what we’re spending it on.


A:Well, I think we could be saving more.

B:Really, well, o.k. Get the receipts out.


A:Let’s see. We spent $700 dollars for our home loan payment, $400 on groceries, $75 on utilities, $250 on gasoline, $100 on books, and $300 on entertainment last month.

B:That’s $1825.

A:We put $500 into the savings account, and $750 into our stock account.

B:$3075. Our paychecks our $3300, combined. That means we don’t have any receipts for $225.


receipts 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 收入:但是国会对应征收入(receipts)的来源并无限制,对它们的性质也没有任何限制性的标识. 而且法院在承认国会对除了特别豁免之外的各种收入(gains)进行征税的意图的前提下,对这一宽泛的用语已经做出不拘泥于字面的(liberal)解释.

2. receipts的近义词

2. 收据:押金:收据(Receipts)和利息归还押金(Returning the Deposit)以及扣除(Deductions)1. 一张损坏的详细清单,列明他们的原状(nature)和损坏程度(extent)以及需要的维修.

3. 进款:expenditure 支出 | receipts 进款 | result 收益

4. 票据合理性:Procurement三家采购程序 | Receipts票据合理性 | Workshop report培训报告

receipts 单语例句

1. Investors would be able to hedge against potential flops by preselling a share of future box office receipts.

2. The listing of the company's Hong Kong Depositary Receipts on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange by way of introduction was approved on Wednesday.

3. Verification and cancellation of forex receipts on export will be further simplified.

4. Enterprises with foreign capital shall manage to balance their own foreign exchange receipts and payments.

5. Xiao submitted her medical case history and surgery receipts to help prove she was who she claimed to be.

6. As it becomes easier to cash in winning receipts, consumers will play a more aggressive role in scrutinizing the businesses'tax payments.

7. SSE Chairman Geng Liang said in March that overseas companies could list on the new board through initial public offerings or China Depositary Receipts.

8. Receipts for prepaid cards have often been disguised as office supplies, leaving no clue for supervisors to keep track of.

9. The regulation also stipulates that most retailers must list the number and prices of shopping bags separately on customer receipts.

10. The deficit reflected a wider trade shortfall in goods and services, a decrease in net income receipts and an increase in net transfer payments.

receipts 英英释义



1. the entire amount of income before any deductions are made

    Synonym: grossrevenue

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