
rectification是什么意思 rectification在线翻译 rectification什么意思 rectification的意思 rectification的翻译 rectification的解释 rectification的发音

rectification [ˌrektɪfɪ'keɪʃn]  [ˌrɛktəfəˈkeʃən] 

rectification 基本解释

名词矫正; <电>整流; <化>精馏; <数>求长

rectification 网络解释

1. 整流:輸入整流部份採用 Dual-Bridge 設計,精明的讀者可能會問為何單一組 Bridge 已可應付 AC/DC 整流 (Rectification) 的需求, Dual-Bridge 設計不是顯得多餘嗎 ?

2. 精馏:简单来说(在此指连续程序),蒸馏(distillation)是直接地收集顶部(蒸汽)产品,但纯度较低;分馏或精馏(rectification)是指(塔)顶部流有加上部分回流或全回流,可取得纯度较高之产品,详细情形请参考任一本 Unit Operations 的书 ,J.M.Coulson,

3. rectification

3. 矫正:但亚里士多德谈的是矫正(rectification)而非赔偿(compensation),是非法行为而非有害行为;而在他的那种意义上,普通法就是一种矫正正义制度. 普通法使用补偿性损害赔偿、惩罚性损害赔偿、禁令和罚金、徒刑这样的制裁来矫正非法(等于无效率资源浪费)行为.

rectification 词典解释

1. 纠正;修正;矫正
    The rectification of something that is wrong is the act of changing it to make it correct or satisfactory.

    e.g. ...the rectification of an injustice.

rectification 单语例句

1. As part of this process, it will commend excellent work and urge rectification for failures.

2. The Taiwan authorities have once again launched a new round of " name rectification " campaigns to detach the island even further from China.

3. Such rectification work is expected to be completed by the end of the month, according to the statement.

4. It is the media's responsibility to follow up the incident by supervising the rectification measures.

5. This could complicate the rectification of the real estate sector, where a large amount of hot money is believed to be hiding.

6. All the rectification efforts must be completed by the end of this year.

7. You always report about authorities'malpractices and appeal for rectification in the best interest of the country's social and economic development.

8. The government then conducted a rectification upon the illegal use of the bags afterwards to better regulate the industry.

9. The Ruzhou Municipal Power Bureau also launched safety inspections and undertook targeted rectification measures to eliminate weak links and potential accidents.

10. The meeting affirmed the success of railway rectification and provided guidelines to make changes to all industry departments.


rectification 英英释义


1. determination of the length of a curve
    finding a straight line equal in length to a given curve

2. the act of offering an improvement to replace a mistake
    setting right

    Synonym: correction

3. the conversion of alternating current to direct current

4. (chemistry) the process of refinement or purification of a substance by distillation

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