
rehabilitate是什么意思 rehabilitate在线翻译 rehabilitate什么意思 rehabilitate的意思 rehabilitate的翻译 rehabilitate的解释 rehabilitate的发音

rehabilitate [ˌri:əˈbɪlɪteɪt]  [ˌrihəˈbɪlɪˌtet] 


rehabilitate 基本解释

及物动词使康复; 使复原,修复; 使恢复原状; 使恢复名誉

rehabilitate 相关例句


1. He has been rehabilitated in public esteem.

rehabilitate 网络解释

1. 改造:regulate 管制;调控 | rehabilitate 改造 | reject 剔除

2. rehabilitate的解释

2. 精神重建,恢复:regenerate 使重获新生,使改过自新 | rehabilitate 精神重建,恢复 | rehash 旧事新弹,改成新形式

3. 恢复:reek#发出水汽;发出臭气 | rehabilitate#恢复 | reimburse#偿还

4. 恢复......的地位(名誉、财产):reduced a penalty减刑 | rehabilitate恢复......的地位(名誉、财产) | rein控制,箝制

rehabilitate 词典解释

1. 使康复;使戒毒(或戒酒);改造(罪犯)
    To rehabilitate someone who has been ill or in prison means to help them to live a normal life again. To rehabilitate someone who has a drug or alcohol problem means to help them stop using drugs or alcohol.


    e.g. Considerable efforts have been made to rehabilitate patients who have suffered in this way.

...the rehabilitation of young offenders.
...an alcohol and drug rehabilitation centre.

2. 使恢复名誉;给…平反昭雪
    If someone is rehabilitated, they begin to be considered acceptable again after a period during which they have been rejected or severely criticized.


    e.g. Ten years later, Dreyfus was rehabilitated...
    e.g. His candidacy has divided the party; while most have scorned him, others have sought to rehabilitate him.

The party has taken an important step towards the rehabilitation of the disgraced MP.

3. 复原,修葺,整修,修复(建筑物或某区域)
    To rehabilitate a building or an area means to improve its condition so that it can be used again.


    e.g. ...a program for rehabilitating low-income housing.

Money will be directed primarily towards the maintenance and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and machinery.

rehabilitate 单语例句

1. While the rescue and rebuilding efforts have been celebrated as exceptional successes, the country hasn't yet developed the capacity to psychologically and socially rehabilitate traumatized disaster survivors.

2. " You have done everything except show this court that you wanted to rehabilitate yourself, " Warren County Circuit Judge Bart Stanley said.

3. The law also stipulates that social communities should shoulder the task of helping addicts to rehabilitate unless their addictions need coercive rehabilitation measures.

4. The project aims to be completed in time for the 2010 Shanghai Expo and is part of continuous efforts to rehabilitate the ecological system.

5. A signature had been forged for the delivery of soil to rehabilitate farmland.

6. Furthermore, authorities will rehabilitate rivers with fragile ecosystems through controlling water and soil erosion.

7. If China wants to make its economy greener and rehabilitate its damaged environment, the government must rely more on science and technology to boost its economy.

8. It aired ways for people to prevent the loss of hearing and rehabilitate the deaf, said the newspaper.

9. DBS has been active promoting sports as a means to rehabilitate and integrate people with disabilities.

10. Liu said efforts must be made to educate and rehabilitate women involved in prostitution and obscene performance cases.

rehabilitate 英英释义


1. help to readapt, as to a former state of health or good repute

    e.g. The prisoner was successfully rehabilitated
           After a year in the mental clinic, the patient is now rehabilitated

2. restore to a state of good condition or operation

3. reinstall politically

    e.g. Deng Xiao Ping was rehabilitated several times throughout his lifetime

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