
reinforce是什么意思 reinforce在线翻译 reinforce什么意思 reinforce的意思 reinforce的翻译 reinforce的解释 reinforce的发音 reinforce的同义词

reinforce [ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:s]  [ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:rs] 


reinforce 基本解释


及物动词加固; 强化; 增援

不及物动词求援; 得到增援; 给予更多的支持

名词加强; 加固物; 加固材料


reinforce 相关例句


1. Newspapers like this tend to reinforce people's prejudices.

2. The general reinforced the fort with more troops.

reinforce 网络解释

1. reinforce的翻译

1. 加强:II 区域为有待加 强(Reinforce)区 域,该区域内的软件产品技术先 进,但功能尚不够 强,它们代表市场上出现的先进技 术,但功能有待完备和加 强,III 区域为重新构 造(Rebuild)区 域,该区域内的软件产品功能方面得分很 高,但技术得分较 低,

2. reinforce是什么意思

2. 增援:a:增援(reinforce) 其实是暂时将士兵放在那条村驻守, 以防别人攻打. 守完之后, 不需要实时收-其它玩家的村庄; 灰色 - 不活跃 (inactive) 玩家村庄.a:你的生产力 (production) 已经写明你每小时有几多资源会生产出来. 若想知一日有多少, 你可

reinforce 词典解释

1. 加强;增强
    If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense.

    e.g. A stronger European Parliament would, they fear, only reinforce the power of the larger countries...
    e.g. This sense of privilege tends to be reinforced by the outside world.

2. 给予…更多支持;为…提供更多证据
    If something reinforces an idea or point of view, it provides more evidence or support for it.

    e.g. ...films that reinforce the idea that we live in a threatening and risky world.

3. 加固;增强
    To reinforce an object means to make it stronger or harder.

    e.g. Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.

Its windows were of reinforced glass.

4. 为(军队或警察队伍)增加力量(或装备);向(某地)增兵;增援
    To reinforce an army or a police force means to make it stronger by increasing its size or providing it with more weapons. To reinforce a position or place means to make it stronger by sending more soldiers or weapons.

    e.g. Both sides have been reinforcing their positions after yesterday's fierce fighting...
    e.g. Troops and police have been reinforced in the southern Pakistan city of Hyderabad.

reinforce 单语例句

1. Another included topic is to reinforce the combat against money laundry related to drug trafficking and avoid by all means the financing to terrorism.

2. All their actions are intended to consolidate Japan's real control over the islands and reinforce the Japanese people's sense of sovereignty over China's Diaoyu Islands.

3. Meteorological experts advised local authorities to call ships back to harbors and reinforce port facilities.

4. The funds will be used to reinforce the lender's capital, the statement said.

5. All the entrepreneurs involved in the study spend time carefully evaluating their own successes and failures to reinforce successful practices and avoid repeating mistakes.

6. It is time to reinforce and enrich these existing institutions, while adapting them to the realities and new challenges of our world.

7. Volkswagen and its dealers will check the struts and install wedges to reinforce the rear spoiler free of charge.

8. A wise general does not reinforce a citadel unless it protects a strategic location, and instead looks for the pivot points from which inevitable battles may be won.

9. The Civil Aviation Department recommended that Finnair reinforce the requirement to verify departure runways prior to the commencement of a takeoff roll.

10. The Beijing mayor also said yesterday that authorities will reinforce measures for garbage classification and the recycling of thousands of tons of food waste.

reinforce 英英释义


1. make stronger

    e.g. he reinforced the concrete

    Synonym: reenforce

2. strengthen and support with rewards

    e.g. Let's reinforce good behavior

    Synonym: reward

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