
relentless是什么意思 relentless在线翻译 relentless什么意思 relentless的意思 relentless的翻译 relentless的解释 relentless的发音 relentless的同义词

relentless [rɪˈlentləs]  [rɪˈlɛntlɪs] 

relentless 基本解释

形容词不懈的; 坚韧的,不屈不挠的; 不间断的; 未减轻的


relentless 网络解释

1. relentless的解释

1. 无情:- 狂烈(Furious)角斗士的正义圣契现在提升圣光闪现的法术能量加成375点(原为320点)- 无情(Relentless)角斗士的正义圣契现在提升圣光闪现的法术能量加成436点(原为404点)- 白骑士的胸甲(Breastplate of the White Knight)现在需要

2. relentless的解释

2. 无情,冷酷:turbine 搅动机 | <-->relentless 无情,冷酷 | respectful 尊重他人的,尊老爱幼

3. relentless

3. 无情的:10. to give sth. much thought 仔细想某事 | 11. 无情的 relentless | 12. 雨季 rainy season

4. relentless在线翻译

4. 日落杀手:Reindeer Games 驯鹿游戏 2000 | Relentless 日落杀手 1990 | Relic, The 变种(第三类终结者) 1997

relentless 词典解释

1. 不停的;不懈的;不间断的;未减轻的
    Something bad that is relentless never stops or never becomes less intense.

    e.g. The pressure now was relentless.

The sun is beating down relentlessly.

2. 坚韧的;不屈不挠的
    Someone who is relentless is determined to do something and refuses to give up, even if what they are doing is unpleasant or cruel.

    e.g. Relentless in his pursuit of quality, his technical ability was remarkable...
    e.g. He was the most relentless enemy I have ever known.

She always questioned me relentlessly.

relentless 单语例句


1. The unforgettable Andy Lau - still going strong after three decades of standing solo under the relentless spotlight of show business.

2. Relatives of the victim said that the security guards'relentless chase " forced the teenager to take the drastic step " in order to protect himself.

3. The relentless campaign against online porn is surely welcomed by parents, but manifests an upsetting ignorance of child psychology.

4. Eaton was every bit as relentless and stubborn as that clock on Saturday.

5. Some of the reporters have privately told her that her ease of manners and unflappability have made them more comfortable posing relentless questions.

6. Beijing and Washington should make relentless efforts to promote their common strategic objective in building a cooperative partnership based on mutual respect and mutual benefit.

7. Sun Li achieves certain material success but is considered by many to be relentless and unscrupulous.

8. A day later, the Middle Eastern side found itself under constant pressure by a relentless Brazilian defense.

9. China has waged a relentless war to weed out corruption, and the country has successfully prosecuted a large number of officials abusing their power.

10. Silk is a cool alternative when it comes to combating the relentless heat of Beijing's summer.

relentless 英英释义


1. never-ceasing

    e.g. the relentless beat of the drums

    Synonym: persistentunrelenting

2. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

    e.g. grim determination
           grim necessity
           Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
           relentless persecution
           the stern demands of parenthood

    Synonym: griminexorablesternunappeasableunforgivingunrelenting

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