
reliable是什么意思 reliable在线翻译 reliable什么意思 reliable的意思 reliable的翻译 reliable的解释 reliable的发音 reliable的同义词

reliable [rɪˈlaɪəbl]  [rɪˈlaɪəbəl] 

比较级:more reliable最高级:most reliable

reliable 基本解释

形容词可靠的; 可信赖的; 真实可信的


reliable 同义词

reliable 反义词



reliable 相关例句


1. It's not reliable to judge a man only by his looks.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. I found this to be a reliable brand of washing machines.

reliable 网络解释

1. 可信赖的:持续不断的持续不断的(continual)、可信赖的(reliable)、有价值的(valuable)服务提供者,照明术... Tongue: 巨魔语( trollese) 现值: 0 上限: 99 魔力: 0 等级2 Spell: 照明术(

2. 可靠的:比较贴近官方的说法是:WCF(原代号为Indigo)是一个用于创建和运行分布式系统的技术集合,使用它能创建安全的(Secure)、可靠的(Reliable)、跨平台的(transacted messaging along with interoperability)的分布式解决方案.

3. 依赖:RAIDS是指可以依赖(reliable)、可以利用(appropriable)、无法模仿(inimitable)、持久性(durable)、不可替代性(non-substitutable). 目前国内越来越多的传统企业建立了自己的网站,但很少能看到支持站内搜索的网站.

reliable 词典解释

1. 可靠的;可信赖的
    People or things that are reliable can be trusted to work well or to behave in the way that you want them to.

    e.g. She was efficient and reliable...
    e.g. Japanese cars are so reliable.

It's been working reliably for years.
He's not at all worried about his car's reliability.

2. (信息)可靠的,可信的,确凿的
    Information that is reliable or that is from a reliable source is very likely to be correct.


    e.g. There is no reliable information about civilian casualties...
    e.g. It's very difficult to give a reliable estimate...

Sonia, we are reliably informed, loves her family very much.
Both questioned the reliability of recent opinion polls.

reliable 单语例句

1. Chinese exports are by and large reliable and up to the strict standards set by destination countries.

2. The quality of their work is more reliable than the hack job provided by disc counterfeiters.

3. UNCTAD considers ULC a more reliable tool in calculating China's REER, as more than 60 percent of all Chinese exports emanate from affiliates of foreign firms.

4. Some complained that having to take their IC card everywhere is inconvenient, adding that the system is not always reliable.

5. Carrefour will give priority to suppliers recommended by FFO for access to its supermarkets, while the FFO will help Carrefour select reliable and qualified fortified food manufacturers.

6. Despite the lack of reliable figures on the overall toll, different parties have been constantly rolling out casualty reports on waves of violence recently.

7. Perhaps we should demonstrate more patience and allow more time for a thorough and reliable conclusion about the cause and effect of the accident.

8. Bremer cited the absence of election laws, voter lists and reliable census data as obstacles to a quick election.

9. As Internet trade requires a reliable third party to identify the signers, the credibility of the online certification organizations is significant for transaction security.

10. Ukraine has vehemently denied the charge, saying Russia was trying to discredit Ukraine as a reliable gas transit partner.

reliable 英英释义



1. worthy of reliance or trust

    e.g. a reliable source of information
           a dependable worker

    Synonym: dependable

2. conforming to fact and therefore worthy of belief

    e.g. an authentic account by an eyewitness
           reliable information

    Synonym: authentic

3. worthy of being depended on

    e.g. a dependable worker
           an honest working stiff
           a reliable sourcSFLe of information
           he was true to his word
           I would be true for there are those who trust me

    Synonym: dependablehonesttrue(p)

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