
relief是什么意思 relief在线翻译 relief什么意思 relief的意思 relief的翻译 relief的解释 relief的发音 relief的同义词 relief的反义词 relief的例句

relief [rɪˈli:f]  [rɪˈlif] 


relief 基本解释

名词宽慰,安心; 免除,减轻; 救援物资; 代班人

relief 相关例句


1. relief在线翻译

1. His integrity stood out in relief from the corruption of certain officials.

2. The relief driver has got here.

3. relief

3. Hearing the news, he breathed a sigh of relief.

4. relief

4. The young man carved a figure in low relief.

5. relief的解释

5. The pills gave her some relief.

relief 网络解释

1. 浮雕:像谢赫一样,吉伯尔蒂在写作中也使用了三个风格批评术语:色彩(colour)、浮雕(relief)和手法(manner)来详细地描述作品;也如谢赫的视点,吉伯尔蒂更多地关注艺术家的作品而不是艺术家个人.

2. 缓解:海鸥喝水用硬壳(hull),拉住海鸥快安静(lull),飞到山后去思考(mull),海鸥不同意变公牛(bull),打它一下变白痴(dull),只好重新去挑选(cull)不简洁(brief),哥悲伤(grief),阿姨平躺为缓解(relief)只有er是轻率(temerity),

3. relief在线翻译

3. 起伏:表示全局的起伏(Relief)导线宽度扩展. 表示全局的起伏(Relief)项目扩展. 表示全局的起伏(Relief)气隙扩展. 表示翻转(Flip)层. 表示起伏(Relief)形状是否被允许(Gerber选项).

relief 词典解释

1. 宽慰;安心;欣慰;解脱
    If you feel a sense of relief, you feel happy because something unpleasant has not happened or is no longer happening.


    e.g. I breathed a sigh of relief...
    e.g. The news will come as a great relief to the French authorities...

2. (疼痛或苦痛的)解除,免除,减轻,缓解
    If something provides relief from pain or distress, it stops the pain or distress.

    e.g. This brought considerable relief from the pain.
    e.g. ...a self-help programme which can give lasting relief from the torment of hay fever.

3. 救济;救援物资
    Relief is money, food, or clothing that is provided for people who are very poor, or who have been affected by war or a natural disaster.


    e.g. Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.
    e.g. ...famine relief.

4. 代班人;换班工人
    A relief worker is someone who does your work when you go home, or who is employed to do it instead of you when you are sick.

    e.g. No relief drivers were available.

5. 浮雕
    A relief is a sculpture that is carved out of a flat vertical surface.


6. see also: bas-relief;tax relief

relief 单语例句

1. Analysts said the Butler report would be a relief to Blair, who is expected to call a general election in 2005.

2. Butter cakes are making a comeback, and it's a relief.

3. She did not buy food but lived on relief grain and her dinner was usually a packet of dry noodles.

4. It is gratifying to see that Northeast China's Liaoning Province recently carried out an employment relief act to help completely unemployed families.

5. Chinese employers may now be breathing a sigh of relief, but they should by no means slow their preparations for rising labor costs.

6. The relief supplies will be carried by a special plane directly from the airport to Kaohsiung.

7. It was unclear what role was left to lawmakers after an extraordinary week in which prospects for industry relief seemed to change by the hour.

8. So we took the cable car off the mountain and I felt a sense of relief at having escaped.

9. Arroyo declared a state of calamity across the country, which will allow local governments access to emergency funds for relief work.

10. The State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters activated a third degree emergency response on Friday to prevent flooding.

relief 英英释义


1. the act of reducing something unpleasant (as pain or annoyance)

    e.g. he asked the nurse for relief from the constant pain

    Synonym: easingeasementalleviation

2. the act of freeing a city or town that has been besieged

    e.g. he asked for troops for the relief of Atlanta

3. aid for the aged or indigent or handicapped

    e.g. he has been on relief for many years

4. assistance in time of difficulty

    e.g. the contributions provided some relief for the victims

    Synonym: succorsuccourministration

5. sculpture consisting of shapes carved on a surface so as to stand out from the surrounding background

    Synonym: relievorilievoembossmentsculptural relief

6. a change for the better

    Synonym: easingmoderation

7. the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced

    e.g. as he heard the news he was suddenly flooded with relief

    Synonym: alleviationassuagement

8. someone who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)

    e.g. the star had a stand-in for dangerous scenes
           we need extra employees for summer fill-ins

    Synonym: stand-insubstituterelieverbackupbackup manfill-in

9. (law) redress awarded by a court

    e.g. was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury?

10. the condition of being comfortable or relieved (especially after being relieved of distress)

    e.g. he enjoyed his relief from responsibility
           getting it off his conscience gave him some ease

    Synonym: ease

11. a pause for relaxation

      e.g. people actually accomplish more when they take time for short rests

      Synonym: respiterestrest period

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