
rely是什么意思 rely在线翻译 rely什么意思 rely的意思 rely的翻译 rely的解释 rely的发音 rely的同义词 rely的反义词 rely的例句 rely的相关词组

rely [rɪˈlaɪ]  [rɪˈlaɪ] 


rely 基本解释

不及物动词依靠,倚赖,仗恃; 信任,信赖

rely 相关例句


1. We can rely on him to help us.

2. rely的意思

2. You may rely on me.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. The villagers here rely on wells for their water.

rely 网络解释

1. 依赖:加的坏习惯R 依赖(Rely)朋友,家人以及减肥团体的帮助S学会利用营养补剂(Supplement)T 要对饮食习惯与体育锻炼进行密切跟踪(Track)W 水(Water)是身体最钟爱的一种液体X 不要寻找借口(X-Ecuses)Y 对酸奶(Yogurt)要特别关注Z 把健康饮食与运动锻炼结合起来,

2. rely是什么意思

2. 信赖:另外,麒麟的英文是kylin,恕我水平不高,我认为这个英文外国人会比较喜欢,而且具有明显的中华韵味,但是奇瑞呢,非要发明个富裕(riich)、信赖(rely)的词出来,也许奇瑞高层都是洋人吧,而且是假洋鬼子.

3. 赖:只需要稍加改进生活方式就可以做到,如用低脂牛奶而不是奶油来调和咖啡,不吃油炸食品以及用清淡的蛋黄酱来调和饭菜等等 R 依赖(Rely)朋友,家人以及减肥...Q 戒掉(Quit)那些导致体重增加的坏习惯R 依赖(Rely)朋友,家人以及减肥

4. 她温情把俺胸膛:月色如水天空是Starry, | 她温情把俺胸膛Rely. | 握着她的手感觉Floppy,

rely 词典解释

1. 依赖;依靠
    If you rely on someone or something, you need them and depend on them in order to live or work properly.

    e.g. They relied heavily on the advice of their professional advisers...
    e.g. The Association relies on member subscriptions for most of its income.

2. 信赖;信任
    If you can rely on someone to work well or to behave as you want them to, you can trust them to do this.

    e.g. I know I can rely on you to sort it out...
    e.g. The Red Cross are relying on us.

rely 单语例句

1. The creative industry refers to business sectors that rely on individual creativity, skill and talent and creates wealth and jobs.

2. Ip also has plans for the engineering sector, proposing to buttress local engineering companies rather than to rely on foreign engineering.

3. Unlike other tribute shows that rely on canned music, the cast of this show includes four musicians and six singers.

4. However, the investors cannot afford to rely only on regulators for protection.

5. China also needs to rely on domestic capital, instead of foreign capital.

6. He used to rely on credit cards to carry him through the winters when work was scarce.

7. Economics teaches us that when there is huge uncertainty over about catastrophic risks, it is dangerous to rely too much on the price mechanism to get incentives right.

8. When the economy is not good and customers become more discerning, consumer product companies have to rely on innovation to cater to more demanding requirements.

9. Her interpretations of the classics do not rely on any academic research and cater to the need of the cultural market.

10. Many Net cafe inhabitants rely on their cell phones to arrange day jobs that don't require a fixed address.

rely 英英释义


1. have confidence or faith in

    e.g. We can trust in God
           Rely on your friends
           bank on your good education
           I swear by my grandmother's recipes

    Synonym: trustswearbank

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