
remote是什么意思 remote在线翻译 remote什么意思 remote的意思 remote的翻译 remote的解释 remote的发音 remote的同义词 remote的反义词 remote的例句

remote [rɪˈməʊt]  [rɪˈmoʊt] 


remote 基本解释

形容词远程的; (时间上)遥远的; 远离的; 微小的

名词遥控器; 远程操作


remote 同义词

remote 反义词



remote 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 远程的:NTLast是一个Win 32命令行工具,能够搜索本地和远程的事件登记结果,找出交互的(Interactive)、远程的(Remote)和失败的(Failed)登录事件. 它甚至给同一用户的登录/注销记录配对. 需付费的版本还抽取企图访问IIS(因特网信息服务器)服务的失败的保密字尝试.

2. 遥远的:①形似记忆:深入调查(survy)为人民服务(serve)②联想记忆:毁坏(damage)大坝(dam)会被诅咒(damn)①形似记忆:遥远的(remote)太空有了国人的足迹大大提升(promote)了我国的国际地位②联想记忆:毁坏(damage)大坝(dam)会被诅咒(damn)①

remote 词典解释

1. 偏僻的;遥远的;边远的
    Remote areas are far away from cities and places where most people live, and are therefore difficult to get to.


    e.g. Landslides have cut off many villages in remote areas.
    e.g. ...a remote farm in the Yorkshire dales.

...the remoteness of the island.

2. (过去或未来)遥远的,久远的
    The remote past or remote future is a time that is many years distant from the present.

    e.g. Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past, and formed this hole.

3. 关系不紧密的;关系疏远的;相距甚远的
    If something is remote from a particular subject or area of experience, it is not relevant to it because it is very different.

    e.g. This government depends on the wishes of a few who are remote from the people...
    e.g. Teenagers are forced to study subjects that seem remote from their daily lives.

...the remoteness of the officers from their men.

4. (可能性或机会)渺茫的,微乎其微的
    If you say that there is a remote possibility or chance that something will happen, you are emphasizing that there is only a very small chance that it will happen.


    e.g. I use a sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun...
    e.g. The chances of his surviving are pretty remote.

5. 冷漠的;冷淡的;与人疏远的;清高的
    If you describe someone as remote, you mean that they behave as if they do not want to be friendly or closely involved with other people.

    e.g. She looked so beautiful, and at the same time so remote.

His remoteness was resented.

remote 单语例句

1. It plays a vital role in accessing remote locations and in cases where insecurity prevents travel by road.

2. Rescuers struggled to reach remote locations where thousands more were likely killed by the deadliest tsunami in 120 years.

3. The driver said a man got into her cab last week, pointed a shotgun at her head and told her to drive down a remote road.

4. A cache of remote control bombs, time bombs and several other explosive devices and radios was also seized.

5. In more prosperous times the school had 40 pupils and seven teachers, but poverty in this remote village caused all of Cai's colleagues to leave.

6. Seven people were found to have cheated during examinations for driving licences, after the city's traffic management authorities installed remote camera monitoring systems in exam sites.

7. The club also hosts occasional overnight hikes, which may involve camping near a remote section of the Great Wall.

8. When I took a local bus to a remote Yunnan hiking trail popular with foreigners, the bus stopped right before an iron bridge crossing a stunning canyon.

9. Franco is also nominated for best actor for playing a hiker trapped in a remote canyon for five days in " 127 Hours ".

10. Observation satellites'remote sensors will tell researchers in September whether the polar cap diminished this summer to its smallest size on record.

remote 英英释义


1. a device that can be used to control a machine or apparatus from a distance

    e.g. he lost the remote for his TV

    Synonym: remote control



1. inaccessible and sparsely populated

    Synonym: outback(a)

2. located far away spatially

    e.g. distant lands
           remote stars

    Synonym: distant

3. separate or apart in time

    e.g. distant events
           the remote past or future

    Synonym: distantremoved

4. far apart in relevance or relationship or kinship

    e.g. a distant cousin
           a remote relative
           a distant likeness
           considerations entirely removed (or remote) from politics

    Synonym: distant

5. very unlikely

    e.g. an outside chance
           a remote possibility
           a remote contingency

    Synonym: outside

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