
render是什么意思 render在线翻译 render什么意思 render的意思 render的翻译 render的解释 render的发音 render的同义词 render的反义词 render的例句

render [ˈrendə(r)]  [ˈrɛndɚ] 


render 基本解释

动词给予; 使成为; 递交; 表达

render 相关例句


1. This sentence can not be literally rendered.

2. Hamlet was poorly rendered by him.

3. The treasurer rendered an account of all the money spent.

4. You have rendered great service.

5. We are ready to render them assistance.

render 网络解释

1. 呈现:Asp.Net的页面跳转(重定向)包括以下四种方式:1.超链接包括客户端的a/a和服务器控件hypelink,其实hypelink呈现(render)到客户端的也是a标记;所以两者都是以http get方式请求目标页面,所以不会将与源页有关的任何信息传递到目标页,

2. 光效:设置相同三、 光效(Render)类1、 镜头眩晕(Lens Flare)模拟强光照射镜头,在画面上产生光晕效果3、 斜面罩(Ramp)使画面产生色彩渐变效果并且能与原始画像相融合四、 键控(Keying)类1、 Alpha调整(Alpha Adjust)是按素材灰度等级来确定叠加效果

render 词典解释

1. 致使;造成
    You can use render with an adjective that describes a particular state to say that someone or something is changed into that state. For example, if someone or something makes a thing harmless, you can say that they render it harmless.

    e.g. It contained so many errors as to render it worthless.
    e.g. ...barrel-makers whose trade was rendered obsolete by the introduction of stainless steel wine vats.

2. 给予(帮助);提供(服务)
    If you render someone help or service, you help them.


    e.g. He had a chance to render some service to his country...
    e.g. Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated...

3. 宣布,作出(判决、决定或回应)
    When a jury or authority renders a verdict, decision, or response, they announce it.

    e.g. The Board had been slow to render its verdict.

4. 翻译
    To render something in a particular language or in a particular way means to translate it into that language or in that way.

    e.g. ...'Zensho shimasu,' which the translator rendered literally as, 'I will do my best.'...
           “Zensho shimasu,”译者直译为“我会尽全力”。
    e.g. All the signs and announcements were rendered in English and Spanish.

5. (用石灰或水泥)粉刷(墙壁)
    To render a wall means to cover it with a layer of plaster or cement, usually in order to protect it.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 stucco

render 单语例句

1. Today a business textbook would probably render that as " target those at the top end of your market ".

2. Today's sophisticated financial engineering can render the calculation of margin and capital requirements extremely difficult, if not impossible.

3. It took approximately 38 hours for the animators of Industrial Light & Magic to render one frame of the CGI animation.

4. The recent findings suggesting serious leakage render a tentative plan to fill Unit 1's containment vessel with water unworkable.

5. This debt will eventually render our lives completely bankrupt unless we start paying it.

6. If Chinese consumers render themselves a driving force of greener consumption, it will be an opportunity that no global business giant can afford to ignore.

7. Due to the change of appreciation angle, the imposing water discharge can render the tourists excited with heart afire.

8. We can have our own design manufacturing, add value to products and render concepts to clients that can help increase their competitiveness.

9. A lower economic growth rate will render China's newly built infrastructure futile and see overcapacity in the country's manufacturing sectors for a few years.

10. Zhou said government officials should work harder to meet the two percent reduction goal, otherwise pollution would worsen and render environmental protection measures in the future less effective.

render 英英释义


1. a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls


1. cause to become

    e.g. The shot rendered her immobile

2. melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities

    e.g. try the yak butter
           render fat in a casserole

    Synonym: try

3. restate (words) from one language into another language

    e.g. I have to translate when my in-laws from Austria visit the U.S.
           Can you interpret the speech of the visiting dignitaries?
           She rendered the French poem into English
           He translates for the U.N.

    Synonym: translateinterpret

4. bestow

    e.g. give homage
           render thanks

    Synonym: give

5. pass down

    e.g. render a verdict
           deliver a judgment

    Synonym: deliverreturn

6. coat with plastic or cement

    e.g. render the brick walls in the den

7. give or supply

    e.g. The cow brings in 5 liters of milk
           This year's crop yielded 1,000 bushels of corn
           The estate renders some revenue for the family

    Synonym: yieldreturngivegenerate

8. show in, or as in, a picture

    e.g. This scene depicts country life
           the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting

    Synonym: picturedepictshow

9. give an interpretation or rendition of

    e.g. The pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully

    Synonym: interpret

10. to surrender someone or something to another

    e.g. the guard delivered the criminal to the police
           render up the prisoners
           render the town to the enemy
           fork over the money

    Synonym: hand overfork overfork outfork upturn indeliver

11. give back

      e.g. render money

      Synonym: return

12. make over as a return

      e.g. They had to render the estate

      Synonym: submit

13. give something useful or necessary to

      e.g. We provided the room with an electrical heater

      Synonym: supplyprovidefurnish

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