
renewal是什么意思 renewal在线翻译 renewal什么意思 renewal的意思 renewal的翻译 renewal的解释 renewal的发音 renewal的同义词 renewal的反义词

renewal [rɪˈnju:əl]  [rɪˈnu:əl] 


renewal 基本解释

名词重建,重生; 更新,革新; 重申; 合同的续订

renewal 相关例句


1. When hot weather comes there will be a renewal of interest in swimming.

renewal 网络解释

1. 續約:贷款续约(renewal)和再贷款(re-finance)的客户忠诚度比例较高,在原贷款机构续约和再贷款的比例分别为88%和70%. 第一次买房者的忠诚度较低,为46%,而非第一次买房者的忠诚度高达58%. 75%的购房者将自己的还款目标设定为短于还款期(Amortization)的时间.

2. renewal的近义词

2. 延期:这对持上述签证者在美国向移民局(USCIS)申请延期(Renewal)并无限制,只是他们一旦离开美国,就必须回原居地或第三国美国领事馆办理重签才能返回美国,让重签者增加了不少麻烦.

renewal 词典解释

1. (活动或状态的)恢复,重新开始,复兴
    If there is a renewal of an activity or a situation, it starts again.


    e.g. They will discuss the possible renewal of diplomatic relations...
    e.g. Is he really considering a renewal of hostilities at this stage?

2. (执照、合同等的)续签,延期
    The renewal of a document such as a licence or a contract is an official increase in the period of time for which it remains valid.

    e.g. His contract came up for renewal...
    e.g. The premium should be received in this office within fourteen days of the renewal date.

3. 恢复;更新;再生;重建
    Renewal of something lost, dead, or destroyed is the process of it growing again or being replaced.


    e.g. ...urban renewal and regeneration...
    e.g. Now it is spring, a time of renewal.

renewal 单语例句

1. The issue has come to the fore now because the first special licenses governing the removal of skeletons are up for renewal.

2. He also said the incident damaged his work relationship with Tse, quoting her saying that she would object to the renewal of his contract.

3. It is increasingly a consensus of African countries that China's coming as an earnest cooperator marks the beginning of Africa's renewal.

4. We also exchanged ideas about the media sector's strategies and experiences in coping with the crisis and seeking renewal and development.

5. This rich cream uses unique thermal spa water to help stimulate epidermal skin cell renewal and reinforce your skin's natural protective function.

6. The Land & Building Advisory Committee has backed the launch of the Urban Renewal Strategy study in view of changing social values and public aspirations.

7. Circular 4 also requires an annual renewal of RO registration 30 days before the expiry date of the current registration.

8. The economic prosperity brought about by the reform and opening up drive accelerated the renovation and renewal of old and derelict houses.

9. The conservation community has therefore speculated about a " race " between renewal of the objectives and launch of EIA for the third runway.

10. Eleven of the Tour's title sponsors come from the financial sector and many of these contracts are up for renewal after the 2010 season.


renewal 英英释义


1. the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation

    Synonym: reclamationrehabilitation

2. the act of renewing

3. filling again by supplying what has been used up

    Synonym: refillingreplenishmentreplacement

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