
reporting是什么意思 reporting在线翻译 reporting什么意思 reporting的意思 reporting的翻译 reporting的解释 reporting的发音 reporting的同义词

reporting [rɪˈpɔ:tɪŋ]  [rɪˈpɔ:rtɪŋ] 


reporting 基本解释



reporting 网络解释

1. 报告:第一个维度(上面维度)是是目标体系,包括四类目标:(1) 战略(Stntegic)目标,即高层次目标,与使命相关联并支撑使命;(2) 经营(operations)目标,高效率地利用资源;(3) 报告(reporting)目标,报告的可靠性;(4) 合规(compliance)目标,

2. 申报:其申报的目的在于保留这个申报(Reporting)资格,只有具有了这样的资格,公司才能够在OTCBB 待价而沽. 在1998 年以前,空白支票壳非常的盛行,通常想要上OTCBB 板块的公司,都会去买一个空白支票的壳公司,因为买壳以后上市公司就可在OTCBB 板块牌交易了.

3. 报表:(3) BI 初级应用模式概览--数据查询(Querying)(4) BI 初级应用模式概览--报表(Reporting)维度可以划分层次,例如时间上可以从日向上汇总为月和年,产品可以向上汇总为食品和日用品,地点可以向上汇总为华北和华南,

4. 轉述:其中预设种类又包括列举(Enumeration)、提前标示(Advance Labeling)、转述(Reporting)、回顾(Recapitulation)、假设(Hypotheticality)和提问(Question). 本研究分析了英文原版商法教材作者在教材叙述过程中采用的宏观和微观的连贯策略,旨在帮助读者辨别这...

reporting 词典解释

1. 新闻报道工作
    Reporting is the presenting of news in newspapers, on radio, and on television.

    e.g. ...honest and impartial political reporting.

reporting 单语例句

1. By whatever means, their sole purpose is to cover the truth and eliminate any potentially unfavourable reporting.

2. Californian Republican Bill Bradley pointed out that there seemed to be problems with Toyota reporting faults in one country to other nations.

3. The State Forestry Bureau said last month it was activating a reporting network to detect outbreaks among wild birds.

4. The firm uses careful identification procedures for opening accounts, close monitoring of transactions and a worldwide network of control officers for tracking and reporting.

5. Ho said the trapped journalists are trying to carry on with their reporting and do not intend to flee the country.

6. The earthquake was so catastrophic that its effects could be measured from space, according to scientists reporting on Friday in the United States journal Science.

7. Maintaining that the pilots reporting sick were all certified by doctors as unfit to fly, he lashed out at Cathay's decision.

8. Top strategists for Democratic rival Barack Obama said Friday they supported the party's action, suggesting the Clinton campaign was trying to block the reporting of caucus results.

9. Dong said traditional news reporting on top leaders requires relatively lengthy censorship procedures, which delays news to the public by half a day or even a full day.

10. Many census takers are reporting being treated with suspicion or rudely as a result of their requests for information.

reporting 英英释义



1. the news as presented by reporters for newspapers or radio or television

    e.g. they accused the paper of biased coverage of race relations

    Synonym: coveragereportage

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