
resonant是什么意思 resonant在线翻译 resonant什么意思 resonant的意思 resonant的翻译 resonant的解释 resonant的发音 resonant的同义词

resonant [ˈrezənənt]  [ˈrɛzənənt] 

resonant 基本解释

形容词共振的; 洪亮的; 回响的; 能共鸣的

resonant 相关例句


1. The air was resonant with bells.

resonant 网络解释

1. 谐振:由于L和C的作用,于是一个谐振(resonant)电路就这样产生了. 藉此,在达到某个特定频率时,射频电流可以在两个隔离区域之间流动,而这些射频电流会影响电路的正常功能. 因此,供电线路或高频电路必须经过铁粉芯过滤.

2. 共振:7:下鼓皮保持适中松紧,保持共振(resonant). 建议:原则上,上下鼓皮的音高(pitch)可?#123;成一致. 上鼓皮(打击面-batter)通常?#123;紧些,以呼应现代音乐的潮流. C:步骤(针对大鼓)1:大鼓内置放适中毛毯蛉跻舨剂峡快洞驌裘妗?

3. resonant的解释

3. 回响,宏亮的:resolve 决心; 分解,解决 | resonant 回响,宏亮的 | resort 诉诸; 手段,凭藉; 常去之处

4. resonant的解释

4. 共振的:resonant vibration 共振 | resonant 共振的 | resonant 谐振的

resonant 词典解释

1. 洪亮的;嘹亮的
    A sound that is resonant is deep and strong.

    e.g. His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room...
    e.g. He responded with a resonant laugh.

2. 有特殊意义的;引起共鸣的
    Something that is resonant has a special meaning or is particularly important to people.

    e.g. It is a country resonant with cinematic potential, from its architecture to its landscape.

The third resonantly poetic language of Scotland this century is Gaelic.

resonant 单语例句

1. The resonant voices and the palatable wine cast our mind to the pure lands among lofty mountains and emerald rivers.

2. In spite of increasingly resonant calls for reform on the use of government cars, the action in this regard remains slow and reluctant.

3. To get to the Resonant Sand Gorge, there are two buses from the Donghe station to choose from.

4. The signing and implementation of those agreements will give a new boost to our already resonant economic ties.

5. The election has been fought largely on local issues as no resonant, central themes emerged in the long campaign.

6. Today's march begin in Kufa and ended a few miles away in Najaf, both cities resonant in Shiite history.

7. It also has a couple of emotionally resonant scenes that build on the first two story lines.

8. In the Mongolian language Ordos means " many palaces ", a name resonant of its brilliant and ancient civilization.

9. Modern music is one of the most resonant ways to bring young people together.

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