
responsive是什么意思 responsive在线翻译 responsive什么意思 responsive的意思 responsive的翻译 responsive的解释 responsive的发音 responsive的同义词

responsive [rɪˈspɒnsɪv]  [rɪˈspɑ:nsɪv] 

responsive 基本解释

形容词应答的,响应的; 反应灵敏的; 共鸣的; 易反应的


responsive 相关例句


1. She is responsive to kindness.

2. The disease isn't proving responsive to treatment.

responsive 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 有反应的:(图3,4)公共空间的价值不在于表面的产权(公有),甚至,还不仅止于在都市活动功能层次的可及性(对公共(众)开放)而已,而是:对更深刻的需要(needs)是有反应的(responsive)、涉及政治民主的权利(rights)、以及关乎意味深长的意义(meaning

2. 回应:而Lane(1959)针对Campbell等人的定义,更进一步的将政治效能感细分为两个层面,其一为「人民认为自己是有影响力(effective)的」,另一个面向则为「人民认为政府应该对民众的需求是有所回应( responsive)的」,将政治效能感更细致的予以探讨,

3. 敏感:我们高兴时,我们对周围的人就更敏感(responsive),同外人的联系比我们悲伤时密切. 然而,这并不意味着一些人一生下来就不幸,一生下来就是那样了. 基因(gene)可能使一个人容易遭受不幸,但性情(disposition)...

4. (常与to连用)反应的;表示回答的;易反应的:Entrepreneurial 与企业有关的 | Responsive (常与to连用)反应的;表示回答的;易反应的 | Ever-increasing 前所未有的

responsive 词典解释

1. 反应敏捷的;易流露感情的;易受影响的
    A responsive person is quick to react to people or events and to show emotions such as pleasure and affection.

    e.g. Harriet was an easy, responsive little girl...
    e.g. This is a responsive class with plenty of ideas...

This condition decreases sexual desire and responsiveness.

2. 反应迅速的;积极响应的
    If someone or something is responsive, they react quickly and favourably.

    e.g. With an election coming soon, your MP should be very responsive to your request.

Such responsiveness to public pressure is extraordinary.

3. 回应的;应答的;回答的
    A responsive action is made as a reaction to something that has just been said or done.


    e.g. At hearing his name spoken, the dog gave a responsive wag of his tail.

responsive 单语例句

1. The simplest way to correct this is with a new energy law that makes both supply and demand competitive and responsive to market prices.

2. Chong said the currency's appreciation or depreciation is responsive to market demand and will float freely with market changes.

3. He said the currency's appreciation or depreciation is responsive to market demand and will float freely with market changes.

4. Braking was adequate and the throttle was responsive, although the car was no speed demon even in its day.

5. The hope is to give these aides complete hiring and budget authority for their regions to make for a more responsive and agile campaign.

6. The Center for Responsive Politics estimates that more than a billion dollars will be spent on the race for the White House by election day.

7. But this gives me the chance to present an emotionally continuous and instantly responsive performance in front of a live audience.

8. Changi Airport has always anticipated and understood the needs of its airline partners and stakeholders, taking effective and responsive measures such as building capacity to meet future demand.

9. We pledge to support those policies that lead to flexible and responsive education and skills development and help to address current and future skills shortages.

10. During the past few years, communications between our two peoples have become more reciprocally responsive and more amicable.


responsive 英英释义



1. readily reacting or replying to people or events or stimuli
    showing emotion

    e.g. children are often the quickest and most responsive members of the audience

2. reacting to a stimulus

    e.g. the skin of old persons is less reactive than that of younger persons

    Synonym: reactive

3. containing or using responses

    e.g. responsive reading
           antiphonal laughter

    Synonym: antiphonal

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