
resumes是什么意思 resumes在线翻译 resumes什么意思 resumes的意思 resumes的翻译 resumes的解释 resumes的发音 resumes的同义词 resumes的反义词



resumes 基本解释

摘要,概略,<美>履历( resume的名词复数 );恢复;重新开始( resume的第三人称单数 );重新获得;重新占用;

resumes 网络解释

1. 个人履历:个人履历(Resumes)求职信是求职过程中极其重要的一环,但仅有求职信还不够. 求职信中虽然说明了申请何种工作,并介绍了一些个人的情况,但毕竟不够详尽.招聘单位对你的教育、工作经历还缺乏全面的了解,因此很难确定是否给你面试的机会.

2. 简历,履历:delicate 精致的,微妙的 | resumes 简历,履历 | assignment 任务

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 第二十单元 (简历):2 第十八单元 (图表)Graphics | 2 第十九单元 (申请书)Letters of application | 2 第二十单元 (简历)Resumes

4. resumes什么意思

4. 简历--敲门砖:Preparing for an Interview磨刀不误砍柴工 | 17 Resumes简历--敲门砖 | 18 Reference Letters推荐信函作用大

resumes 单语例句

1. Fang sets his sights mainly on the academic and business worlds, where puffing up resumes and scholarly theses is a common practice.

2. Remember that recruitment consultants receive more than 50 resumes every day so always follow up with a phone call after sending out your resume.

3. Another 30 percent went not quite as far, saying video resumes could be very useful for them to hunt for a good job.

4. Twelve months of voluntary service may be highly constructive to one's career development in that it enriches experience and enhances resumes.

5. Although video resumes are not a new concept, more graduates are now using them to improve their prospects in the chilly economic climate.

6. The English squad returns to 2006 World Cup qualifying in September while Colombia's bid to reach Germany next year resumes Saturday at home against Peru.

7. She suggests viewing key words as good clues to what the company wants, and then incorporating these clues into resumes and cover letters.

8. That some people still doubt his credentials only proves the process of publication of officials'resumes and the electoral procedure both have to be improved.

9. It also faces further investigation when the judicial inquiry into the apparent suicide of weapons adviser David Kelly resumes next week.

10. Measures taken afterwards included revoking licenses and offering compulsory training classes to pilots who were found to have falsified their resumes.

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