
retrieval是什么意思 retrieval在线翻译 retrieval什么意思 retrieval的意思 retrieval的翻译 retrieval的解释 retrieval的发音 retrieval的同义词

retrieval [rɪˈtri:vl]  [rɪˈtrivəl] 

retrieval 基本解释

名词检索; 收回,挽回

retrieval 网络解释

1. retrieval

1. 撷取:earch)及撷取(Retrieval)技术,特别是以行动社群网路(Mobile Social Network)为主之搜寻及撷取技术定位技术(Localization)及位置相关服务 (Location-based Service)前瞻短距通讯(short range communications)技术公共安全(Public Safety)应用与民间无线应用共享技术与可行性研究跨网号码可携(Number Portability)服务与数位汇

2. 拯救:其它的多人游戏模式包括小队对抗(Team Adversarial)、两队竞赛(Rivalry)、拯救(Retrieval)、Free for All和猎杀恐怖分子(Terrorist Hunt). 根据不同的单人和多人模式来看,即便你通关游戏之后,<<禁锢法则>>还是有很多值得重新尝试的部分.

retrieval 词典解释

1. 检索
    The retrieval of information from a computer is the process of getting it back.


    e.g. ...electronic storage and retrieval systems.

2. 取回;找回
    The retrieval of something is the process of getting it back from a particular place, especially from a place where it should not be.


    e.g. Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight.

retrieval 单语例句


1. It said retrieval crews had reached the landing site and the two men were undergoing a medical checkup.

2. The dog retrieval law is especially contentious when it comes to hunting deer, because such hunts can cover thousands of acres.

3. One of the most important reforms on China's judicial system is the supreme court's retrieval of right to review and approve death penalties.

4. In an emergency, consolidated data retrieval is considerably faster with one travel management company.

5. The researchers found that sleep deprivation at the time of memory retrieval resulted in false memories.

6. Mock situations have them dealing with such elaborate crimes as kidnappings and bomb retrieval.

7. Sperm retrieval rates were lower among men given testosterone replacement therapy, which is not uncommon in men with Klinefelter's syndrome.

8. The donations mark the launch of a retrieval project for scattered cultural relics of Yuanmingyuan.

9. A uterus stays viable for about 12 hours, so the recipient would need to be ready for surgery once the retrieval begins.

10. " The accident investigation and retrieval of the helicopter are urgent, " Qu said.

retrieval 英英释义


1. the act of regaining or saving something lost (or in danger of becoming lost)

    Synonym: recovery

2. the cognitive operation of accessing information in memory

    e.g. my retrieval of people's names is very poor

3. (computer science) the operation of accessing information from the computer's memory

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