
return to是什么意思 return to在线翻译 return to什么意思 return to的意思 return to的翻译 return to的解释 return to的发音 return to的同义词

return to [riˈtə:n tu:]  [rɪˈtɚn tu] 

return to 基本解释

返回到…; 重新恢复

return to 情景对话


A:I would like to return this pair of shoes.

B:Do you have a sales slip?

A:Oh, here you are.

return to的翻译

B:Sorry, things on sale are not allowed to be refunded or exchanged.

return to

A:Oh, But this pair of shoes are a bit too tight. Could I change them for something bigger.

B:All right. Wait a minute.


A:Hello, Oriental Hotel.

return to的意思

B:I’d like to speak to Michael Baker, please.


A:I’m sorry, Mr. Baker is not in. May I take a message?

B:Yes. Tell him Mr. Cook called and ask him to return my call as soon as he gets back.

A:All right, Mr. Cook. I’ll have Mr. Baker call you back as soon as he gets here.

Exchanges and Returns-(换货和退货)

A:Hi, there’s a problem with this stereo. I’d like to return it, please.

B:What’s the problem?

A:The tape player doesn’t work.

return to的翻译

B:O.K. Do you have your receipt?

A:Yes, here you are.

B:Thank you. Do you want your money back, or would you like to exchange it?

A:I think I’d like to just get another stereo, please.

return to是什么意思

B:O.K. Here’s a receipt for store credit. Just take it back to the stereo section and one of our salesmen will help you.

A:Thanks a lot.

B:No problem. Thank you.

return to 网络解释

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 返回:5. 切换到游戏界面,点击输入注册码(ENTER CODE)按钮. 6. 粘贴刚才复制的注册码到空白处,点击提交(SUBMIT)按钮. 7. 恭喜你,注册成功了,点返回(Return To)按钮(白色方框下方). 祝你玩得开心

2. return to在线翻译

2. 回到:report card 成绩报告单 | return to 回到... | ride one's bike 骑车

3. return to什么意思

3. 回过来谈(考虑恢复:result in导致,结果是 | return to回过来谈(考虑恢复 | ring off挂断电话

4. return to

4. 把------归还:39.read out 朗读 | 40.return to 把------归还------- | 27 thank you for joining us 感谢你加入我们

return to 单语例句

1. The wife of a businessman is asking Shunyi district court to order her husband's lover to return gifts he gave her.

2. Issues covered included how busy and crowded some places are, and the conditions they may find when they return to their orphanage.

3. Pan said she initially considered calling the police, but then decided to try to persuade the young man to return her bag.

4. Butt cleavage will become a thing of the past as waistlines return to a more natural place.

5. Last year's buying spree may return and push prices to an even higher level, he said.

6. Investor Chris Hansen has contacted the Maloof family about buying the Sacramento Kings, setting up the possibility of the NBA's return to Seattle.

7. He explained that his decision to return to the pool had been sudden as he had initially not missed the buzz of top competition.

8. Corinthians said in a statement that Ze Augusto had left by mutual consent and would return to his previous employment with the youth teams.

9. Even if China's economy does gain steady momentum later this year, it will by no means signal an immediate return to a new boom.

10. Hurley was released by the Others with an order to return to camp and warn the rest of the castaways against retaliating.

return to是什么意思,return to在线翻译,return to什么意思,return to的意思,return to的翻译,return to的解释,return to的发音,return to的同义词,return to的反义词,return to的例句,return to的相关词组,return to意思是什么,return to怎么翻译,单词return to是什么意思
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