
revealing是什么意思 revealing在线翻译 revealing什么意思 revealing的意思 revealing的翻译 revealing的解释 revealing的发音 revealing的同义词

revealing [rɪˈvi:lɪŋ]  [rɪˈvilɪŋ] 


revealing 基本解释


形容词有启示作用的,给人启发的; 透露真情的; 袒胸露肩的

动词泄露; 显示,展示; 揭示,揭露


revealing 网络解释

1. 有启迪作用的:glassy alloy 玻璃合金 | revealing 有启迪作用的 | ELLA European Long Lines Agency 欧洲远程通讯局(北约)

2. 启迪作用的:revealer 启示者 | revealing 启迪作用的 | revealment 透露

3. revealing的解释

3. 袒露:Differences 差异 | Revealing 袒露 | Solitude 孤独

4. 透露真情的:1. revealing 透露真情的 | 2. indispensable 必不可少的 | 3. accessory 配件

revealing 词典解释

1. 透露内情的;揭露性的
    A revealing statement, account, or action tells you something that you did not know, especially about the person doing it or making it.

    e.g. ...a revealing interview.
    e.g. ...Sophie Tucker's revealing autobiography.

Even more revealingly, he says: 'There's no such thing as failure.'

2. (衣服等)袒胸露肩的,暴露的
    Revealing clothes allow more of a person's body to be seen than is usual.

    e.g. She was wearing a tight and revealing gold dress.

revealing 单语例句

1. It's the most revealing account so far of interrogations at the secretive detention camp, where officials say they have halted some controversial techniques.

2. Prestigious auction houses Sotheby's and Christy's both recently released 2010 results, revealing blockbuster numbers despite a worldwide recession.

3. Last month he was briefly detained by police on suspicion of revealing classified information before being freed.

4. The Columbian singer also spoke about her meeting with the Dalai Lama, revealing she enjoyed hearing him laugh because it made her feel optimistic about life.

5. The survey also took comparing samples of products like apples, eggs and oil which also revealing the current Shanghai food price high over Hong Kong.

6. The complaint about their Hindu wedding says Hurley wore revealing clothes and didn't remove her footwear while walking around the sacred fire at the ceremony.

7. It also restricted the snappers from revealing any " confidential information " they might learn about her during the ceremony.

8. Dimon certainly has struck a more contrite pose since revealing the losses.

9. He delivered the latest controversy hours before the birth by revealing that he was planning to eat his firstborn's placenta and umbilical cord.

10. It allows deputies to visit governmental departments, businesses or other institutions without advance notice or without revealing their identities.


revealing 英英释义



1. the speech act of making something evident

    Synonym: disclosurerevelation


1. disclosing unintentionally

    e.g. a telling smile
           a telltale panel of lights
           a telltale patch of oil on the water marked where the boat went down

    Synonym: tellingtelltale(a)

2. showing or making known

    e.g. her dress was scanty and revealing

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