
reversal是什么意思 reversal在线翻译 reversal什么意思 reversal的意思 reversal的翻译 reversal的解释 reversal的发音 reversal的同义词

reversal [rɪˈvɜ:sl]  [rɪˈvɜ:rsl] 


reversal 基本解释

名词倒转,颠倒; 反复; 逆转,反转; [法]撤消

reversal 相关例句


1. That would be reversal of the order of host and guest.

reversal 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 反向:按照Morris的观点,仅将平台移到对侧象限但不改变空间线索的位置并不能确切地称为反向(reversal)程序(象上面所称的那样). 因为当平台移动位置时,远处房间内线索的同中心(allocentric)空间关系并未改变. 动物只要学习新的平台位置而不需要完全重排线索关系.

2. 颠倒:一个颠倒(reversal)或一个笑话或一个象征、新词或口语;一个计算和/或谬论(absurdity)和/或智力活动的例子;如果你愿意的话,可以加上厨房水槽(kitchen sink)这个梦象.

3. reversal的近义词

3. 撤销:5、境外非美元区交易若发生当日退款时,如为商户原因导致的,您需要在退款前提示商户以交易撤销(Reversal)的方式操作,如商户以退货(Credit)方式操作的,您的信用卡上可能会产生交易手续费.

reversal 词典解释

1. (过程、政策或趋势的)反转,倒转,逆转
    A reversal of a process, policy, or trend is a complete change in it.

    e.g. The Financial Times says the move represents a complete reversal of previous US policy...
    e.g. This marked a 7% increase on the previous year and the reversal of a steady five-year downward trend.

2. (角色的)交换,互换
    When there is a role reversal or a reversal of roles, two people or groups exchange their positions or functions.

    e.g. When children end up taking care of their parents, it is a strange role reversal indeed.

3. (通常涉及金钱损失的)失败,逆境,挫折
    A reversal is a failure, usually involving the loss of money.

    e.g. They teach managers to accept reversals as a fact of business life.

reversal 单语例句

1. DBS Bank's Chan cautions investors against a reversal in capital flows, which could trigger sharp corrections in local asset prices.

2. If there is any reversal of that expectation, a huge capital outflow will threaten China's financial security.

3. You may take a precious photo with your child before the exquisite carousel, or experience the wonder of time reversal in the Shanghai Bund.

4. One example cited was the reversal of previous denials that it bought centrifuge parts from abroad.

5. The debate was certainly a blow on the chin for the Democratic national campaign, but far from a fatal reversal.

6. There has been a reversal in the way Western and Chinese restaurants have had to adapt to the change in clientele.

7. For countries that depend on trade and have specialties according to comparative advantage, a reversal of policy will impose significant costs on the economy.

8. Over in the US Treasury market, it is noteworthy that bond yields are now extremely compressed and a reversal is likely.

9. The vote count showed 84 percent voting to reverse daily hospital fees while 16 percent voted against reversal.

10. The printed images of current buildings are manipulated to resemble old photos and paintings, playing on a reversal of time.


reversal 英英释义


1. a major change in attitude or principle or point of view

    e.g. an about-face on foreign policy

    Synonym: about-facevolte-facepolicy change

2. a change from one state to the opposite state

    e.g. there was a reversal of autonomic function

3. the act of reversing the order or place of

    Synonym: transposition

4. turning in the opposite direction

    Synonym: reversionreverseturnaboutturnaround

5. a judgment by a higher court that the judgment of a lower court was incorrect and should be set aside

6. a decision to reverse an earlier decision

    Synonym: change of mindflip-flopturnaboutturnaround

7. turning in an opposite direction or position

    e.g. the reversal of the image in the lens

    Synonym: turn around

8. an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes
    something that is thwarting or frustrating

    Synonym: reversesetbackblowblack eye

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