
revive是什么意思 revive在线翻译 revive什么意思 revive的意思 revive的翻译 revive的解释 revive的发音 revive的同义词 revive的反义词 revive的例句

revive [rɪˈvaɪv]  [rɪˈvaɪv] 


revive 基本解释

及物动词使复活,使恢复; 使振奋,复原; 使再生,使重新流行; 唤醒,唤起

不及物动词复苏,恢复; 振作,恢复; 再生,重新流行; 再生效力

revive 相关例句


1. A little whisky may revive him.

2. The Prime Minister promised to revive the economy.

3. Some of the old plays we had seen years before were revived on the stage.


1. The fine arts revived during the Renaissance.

2. revive的翻译

2. Our hopes revived.

revive 网络解释

1. 复活:它的全复活(Revive)能力对战斗会有很大帮助. 由于是单体攻击,而且只有平均等级的攻击力,所以用处不是很大. 但是它的几个特有的能力,如等级下降(LVDown)、等级上升(LVUp),会有比较大的用场. 而呼叫商店(CallShop)也会大大带来方便.

2. 利维肤:利维肤(ReVive) 品牌吧关于利维肤(ReVive)的话题利维肤(ReVive)旗下产品分类利维肤(ReVive)好评产品

3. 复兴:+260-320% 增强伤害(可变) +9 最小伤害 每次命中偷取 7% 生命 20% 概率一击必杀 击中使目标目盲+3 减慢目标速度33% 法力恢复速度 +15% 恢复生命速度 +16 无法冰冻 30% 提升魔法装备出现概率 等级8复兴(Revive) (88次聚气)

revive 词典解释

1. (使)复苏;(使)复兴;(使)恢复;(使)再次流行
    When something such as the economy, a business, a trend, or a feeling is revived or when it revives, it becomes active, popular, or successful again.


    e.g. ...an attempt to revive the British economy...
    e.g. His trial revived memories of French suffering during the war...

Habib grimaced at the revived memories.

2. 重新上演(戏剧、歌剧或芭蕾等)
    When someone revives a play, opera, or ballet, they present a new production of it.

    e.g. The Gaiety is reviving John B. Kean's comedy 'The Man from Clare'.
           盖伊提剧院正在重新上演约翰·B. 基恩的喜剧《来自克莱尔的人》。

3. (使)苏醒;(使)清醒
    If you manage to revive someone who has fainted or if they revive, they become conscious again.

    e.g. She and a neighbour tried in vain to revive him...
    e.g. With a glazed stare she revived for one last instant.

revive 单语例句

1. Raikkonen was second to revive McLaren with their first podium finish of the season, while Rubens Barrichello held off BAR's British hopeful Jenson Button for third place.

2. The White House should know by now that it has to collaborate with the emerging economies of East Asia to revive the American economy.

3. Palestinian Cabinet minister Saeb Erekat said the Americans believe Sharon's plan is an opportunity to revive the road map.

4. Emergency medical services called to the station were unable to revive him.

5. Zhu said the rise in passenger car sales failed to revive the auto industry as the economy at large saw no signs of obvious recovery.

6. Jackson suffered a cardiac arrest on Thursday afternoon at his home and paramedics were unable to revive him.

7. The caviar concentrates in this mask seek to revive and rejuvenate tired, mature skin.

8. Sylvester Stallone is set to revive another old character as he continues his career resurgence.

9. Cairo has been planning to revive its nuclear energy program, which was frozen 20 years ago after the Chernobyl accident.

10. The misfire is the latest disappointment for Jeffrey Kindler, named chief executive officer two years ago to revive the world's largest drugmaker.

revive 英英释义


1. return to consciousness

    e.g. The patient came to quickly
           She revived after the doctor gave her an injection

    Synonym: come toresuscitate

2. give new life or energy to

    e.g. A hot soup will revive me
           This will renovate my spirits
           This treatment repaired my health

    Synonym: animaterecreatereanimaterenovaterepairquickenvivifyrevivify

3. cause to regain consciousness

    e.g. The doctors revived the comatose man

    Synonym: resuscitate

4. restore from a depressed, inactive, or unused state

    e.g. He revived this style of opera
           He resurrected the tango in this remote part of Argentina

    Synonym: resurrect

5. be brought back to life, consciousness, or strength

    e.g. Interest in ESP revived

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