
rib是什么意思 rib在线翻译 rib什么意思 rib的意思 rib的翻译 rib的解释 rib的发音 rib的同义词 rib的反义词 rib的例句 rib的相关词组

rib [rɪb]  [rɪb] 


rib 基本解释


名词肋骨; (船或屋顶等的)肋拱; 肋骨状的东西; (织物的)凸条花纹

及物动词嘲笑,逗弄,开(某人的)玩笑; 装肋于,给…装肋材


rib 相关例句


1. They ribbed him for confusing the two words.


1. rib是什么意思

1. He broke a rib when he fell off his horse.

rib 网络解释

1. 罗纹:米兰诺罗纹(milano rib)与罗纹(RIB) 组织有何不同(1)罗纹 (RIB) 组织为双针床圆型或平型针织机均可生产,其组织以罗纹针距编成,故称罗纹,平织的外面线圈和里面线圈在一横列上交互排列,故底面两面外观对称,其组织在横向拉伸时有优良弹性,

2. rib的意思

2. 肋:为确保成品适当顶出,设计模具时必须考虑成品材料缩水特性,剥料板顶出系统是最好方式,由于剥料板能均衡有效顶出成品,为防止顶出时,成品产生变形,扭曲,顶针应放置在壁较厚,肋(RIB),圆柱(BOSSES)位置.

3. 肋条:Nc6钛球头内部里面,加入肋条(rib),可提升打球感和改善打球声音. 再来,藉由冠盖(crown)的内部也加入独自的肋条(rib)构造,提高冠盖部份(crown)的刚性,感觉好像使用全钛的球杆一样. (如右上图)增加杆头速度的奈米弹性V杆身(nano flex V shaft)在杆身(shaft)尖端处,

4. rib:radioactive nucleus beam; 放射性核束

5. rib的反义词

5. rib:right in-back; 右后内曲线

6. rib:rural industries bureau; 农村工业管理局

rib 词典解释

1. 肋骨
    Your ribs are the 12 pairs of curved bones that surround your chest.

    e.g. Her heart was thumping against her ribs...
    e.g. My face was covered with bruises and I had a broken rib.

2. 排骨;肋条(肉)
    A rib of meat such as beef or pork is a piece that has been cut to include one of the animal's ribs.


    e.g. ...a rib of beef.
    e.g. ...pork ribs in sweet sauce.

3. 罗纹针织法
    Rib is a method of knitting that makes a raised pattern of parallel lines. You use rib, for example, round the edge of sweaters so that the material can stretch without losing its shape.

4. (友善地)开…的玩笑,逗弄,取笑
    If you rib someone about something, you tease them about it in a friendly way.


    e.g. The guys in my local pub used to rib me about drinking 'girly' drinks.

5. see also: ribbed;ribbing

rib 单语例句

1. I find the best lamb chops are loin, rib or sirloin so ask the butcher for details.

2. The Spaniard missed five months last year with chicken pox and wrist and rib injuries and fell in the rankings.

3. If you think the chilli is too spicy, just tuck into the abundant meat on the rib.

4. They found bones of feet, spine and rib from chicken or lamb in the cloudy soup.

5. And Hewitt had to delay his return to competitive action after fracturing a rib in a fall at his Sydney home last month.

6. Di Matteo also revealed that captain John Terry was forced off in the second half with a rib injury that will be checked on Thursday.

7. Watch the table go quite as each diner gets stuck in about his or her rib.

8. The new nose was made by doctors using a section of the man's own rib and has given him a new lease of life.

9. She missed Monday's show because of a rib injury and earned just 21 out of 30 points from judges for a taped rehearsal performance.

10. But a stress fracture of her right rib forced her off the tour for the rest of 2007.

rib 英英释义



1. support resembling the rib of an animal

2. a projecting molding on the underside of a vault or ceiling
    may be ornamental or structural

3. a riblike supporting or strengthening part of an animal or plant

4. any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or toward the sternum in humans (and similar bones in most vertebrates)

    Synonym: costa

5. a teasing remark

6. cut of meat including one or more ribs



1. subject to laughter or ridicule

    e.g. The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house
           The students poked fun at the inexperienced teacher
           His former students roasted the professor at his 60th birthday

    Synonym: ridiculeroastguyblackguardlaugh atjest atmake funpoke fun

2. form vertical ribs by knitting

    e.g. A ribbed sweater

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