
rind是什么意思 rind在线翻译 rind什么意思 rind的意思 rind的翻译 rind的解释 rind的发音 rind的同义词 rind的反义词 rind的例句 rind的相关词组

rind [raɪnd]  [raɪnd] 


rind 基本解释

名词(瓜、果等的)皮; (干酪等)外皮; 硬皮,壳


rind 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 皮:特级黄柠檬 Lemon,extra 萃取部位:果皮(Rind) 使毛孔细小、能有效分解较黑色素、能针对油性肌肤及班点达到分解及调理功能. 适用:美白、淡化黑色素、改善老化的肌肤. {生长形态 }柠檬为小而多刺的常绿树,它有不规则的枝枒 ...

2. 果皮:方式:传统栽种(trad) 产地:尼泊尔(Nepal) 萃取部位:树叶(Leaves)栽种方式:野生有机认证(wc.org) 产地:澳大利亚(Australia) 萃取部位:树叶(Leaves)栽种方式:精选(S) 产地:意大利(Italy) 萃取部位:果皮(Rind)栽种方式:精选(S

3. 可逆性缺血性神经功能缺损:低或中等剂量UFH 皮下注射治疗急性脑梗死的随机对照试验(IST)显示:虽然肝素可降低渐转变为去氧血红蛋白(DHb)及正铁血红蛋白(MHb),红细胞破碎后,正铁血红蛋白析出呈缺血性脑血管病包括短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA) 、可逆性缺血性神经功能缺损(RIND)颈动脉内膜切除术(

4. 外观,外表,皮,壳:rigid wire 硬丝 | rind 外观,外表,皮,壳 | ring counter 环形计数器

5. rind:reversibleischemic neurological deficit; 可逆性缺血性神经功能障碍

6. rind:reversible ischemic neurological deficit; 性神经功能障碍

7. rind:reversible ischemic neurologic deficits; 可逆性缺血性神经功能缺失

8. rind:reversible ischemic neurologic deficit; 周内恢复者称为

rind 词典解释

1. (水果的)外壳,外皮,果皮
    The rind of a fruit such as a lemon or orange is its thick outer skin.


    e.g. ...grated lemon rind.

2. (干酪、熏肉等的)外皮
    The rind of cheese or bacon is the hard outer edge which you do not usually eat.


    e.g. Discard the bacon rind and cut each rasher in half.

rind 单语例句

1. The lemon tart tastes like a tart but cleverly encapsulated in an edible lemon rind that is soaked in vanilla syrup for 36 hours.

2. Surgeons removed a rind of scar tissue nearly a third of an inch thick in some places.

3. He puts several small pieces of orange rind in milk and boils it for about 10 minutes.

4. The meat is juicy and tender and comes topped with a crisp, thick rind of seasoned bacon.

5. Its bark and rind are traditional remedies for diarrhea and dysentery while its juice is prescribed to soothe throats and stem nosebleeds and bleeding gums.

6. The principal source in Beijing is fatty meat the crispy coating on the roast ducks and thick white rind on pork belly.

7. The rind in fact contains especially large amounts of an amino acid called citrulline which is converted into arginine in the body.

8. Cumquat is a citrus like fruit with a sweet rind and acidic center.

9. " We're going to build a pork rind park as a tourist attraction, " she said.

10. Fried green tomatoes and pickled watermelon rind are examples of dishes that preserved a bumper crop before rot set in.

rind 英英释义



1. the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating)

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