
ripple是什么意思 ripple在线翻译 ripple什么意思 ripple的意思 ripple的翻译 ripple的解释 ripple的发音 ripple的同义词 ripple的反义词 ripple的例句

ripple [ˈrɪpl]  [ˈrɪpəl] 


ripple 基本解释

及物/不及物动词使泛起涟漪; (把头发)弄成波浪形; 使作潺潺声



名词涟漪,涟波; [物]涟波; 涟波声,潺潺声; (头发等的)波浪形

ripple 同义词

ripple 反义词


ripple 相关例句


1. The water rippled over the stones.

2. Laughter rippled through the hall.


1. A ripple of laughter went through the audience.

2. ripple

2. There were ripples on the pool as the wind grew stronger.

3. The pebble made a ripple on the surface of the lake.

ripple 网络解释

1. ripple是什么意思

1. 纹波:纹波的成分较为复杂,它的形态一般为频率程控电源 -纹波的定义 程控电源 纹波的定义 需要简洁点的 1 纹波(ripple)的定义 由于直流稳定电源一般是由交流电源经整流稳压等环节而形成的,这就不可避免地在直流稳定量中多少带有一些交流成份,

2. 波动:为了抑制线圈L1波动(ripple)电流,因此线圈必需大于必需1MH ,在L1 流动的最大电流值则是根据IC1 的最大电流规格设定成500MA . 当IC1 为ON时输入电压会流入D1 D2 ,因此必需选用耐压超过 400V的组件,此处考虑延迟(delaying)时间所以选用耐压600V 的type,

ripple 词典解释

1. 波纹;涟漪;细浪
    Ripples are little waves on the surface of water caused by the wind or by something moving in or on the water.

2. (使)泛起涟漪;(使)泛起细浪
    When the surface of an area of water ripples or when something ripples it, a number of little waves appear on it.

    e.g. You throw a pebble in a pool and it ripples...
    e.g. I could see the dawn breeze rippling the shining water.

3. (植物等)如波浪起伏;(使)呈波状起伏
    When the wind ripples plants or trees or when they ripple, they move in a wave-like motion.

    e.g. A slight wind rippled the crops in the valley...
    e.g. The tops of the trees rippled in the breeze.

4. (感觉)传开,传遍
    If something such as a feeling ripples over someone's body, it moves across it or through it.


    e.g. A chill shiver rippled over his skin.

5. (事情引起的)连锁反应,涟漪作用
    If an event causes ripples, its effects gradually spread, causing several other events to happen one after the other.

    e.g. The ripples of Europe's currency crisis continue to be felt in most of the member states...
    e.g. The problems of the auto industry have created economic ripples through the rest of the economy as well.

ripple 单语例句

1. Its ripple effect will cause aggressive cuts in business capes and employment, resulting in weaker domestic demand.

2. The state's inability to pay the bills has " a horrible ripple effect, " the comptroller said.

3. The rising cost of living has triggered a ripple that affects growers who want to sell their produce in cities'markets.

4. Occasionally there is a ripple in the crowd as the cowboy swagger boils over and punches fly in the closely packed stadium.

5. A US default would have a ripple effect on the global economy and send interest rates soaring.

6. Officials say a default could destabilize the already weakened US economy and send major ripple effects across the globe.

7. The ripple effect will engender aggressive cuts in business caps and employment.

8. External events no longer cause as much as a ripple in it.

9. Even if the company achieved high productivity growth, the productivity factor would not stir even the slightest ripple in the fare adjustment exercise.

10. The cancellations caused a ripple effect nationwide that stranded thousands and sent tempers flaring.

ripple 英英释义


1. a small wave on the surface of a liquid

    Synonym: ripplingrifflewavelet

2. (electronics) an oscillation of small amplitude imposed on top of a steady value


1. stir up (water) so as to form ripples

    Synonym: rufflerifflecockleundulate

2. flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise

    e.g. babbling brooks

    Synonym: babbleguggleburblebubblegurgle

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