
robust是什么意思 robust在线翻译 robust什么意思 robust的意思 robust的翻译 robust的解释 robust的发音 robust的同义词 robust的反义词 robust的例句

robust [rəʊˈbʌst]  [roʊˈbʌst] 

比较级:more robust最高级:most robust

robust 基本解释

形容词精力充沛的; 坚定的; 粗野的,粗鲁的; 需要体力的

robust 同义词

robust 反义词


robust 相关例句


1. His robust strength was a counterpoise to the disease.

2. robust

2. The once robust economy now lies in ruins.

robust 网络解释

1. 乐百氏:所以当"可口可乐"、"百事可乐"、"高乐高"(Cola Cao)、"乐百氏"(Robust)纷纷拥入中国市场时,仅凭这些个"乐"字的"口彩",就足可让中国"乐"在其中,"乐

2. 强健性:因此评估系统可同时获得强健性与精确性之效能,由上述辨识结果所示本文可获得二项结论,结论一评估系统之主轴数目少自由度低,相对的系统简单但强健性(robust)及再学习能力差,不易将未经训练且变异较大之样本空间作正确分割;

robust 词典解释

1. 强健的;健壮的;坚固的;结实的
    Someone or something that is robust is very strong or healthy.


    e.g. More women than men go to the doctor. Perhaps men are more robust or worry less?...
    e.g. We've always specialised in making very robust, simply designed machinery.

He became robustly healthy.
...the robustness of diesel engines.

2. (观点等)强烈的,坚定的,坚决的
    Robust views or opinions are strongly held and forcefully expressed.

    e.g. A British Foreign Office minister has made a robust defence of the agreement...
    e.g. He has the keen eye and robust approach needed.

In the decisions we have to make about Europe, we have to defend our position very robustly indeed.
...a prominent industrialist renowned for the robustness of his right-wing views.

robust 单语例句

1. China's securities brokers are profiting from robust trading and attracting more individual investors, but their trading systems are failing to cope with the huge volume of business.

2. Butcher's remarks came as a result of his confidence in the robust Chinese economy.

3. His trip will buttress China's relations with these countries and strengthen its robust cooperation with the European Union at large.

4. He said air travel will be driven by the country's continuing robust growth in gross domestic product and personal income.

5. Cafu's robust run down the right flank took him to the byline and his delicate chipped cross was headed home by Kaka.

6. It's what we call a prima donna indicator rather than a robust analysis tool.

7. The other $ 2 trillion deficit was offset by the robust return of the dollar capital to the US.

8. The western and central parts of China are gradually becoming robust and active areas for international trade.

9. Many US manufacturers are positioned to take advantage of China's increasing economic integration into the Asia region and the resulting robust expansion of commercial activity.

10. The Chinese have mounted a robust and successful challenge to European and US dominance in solar panel and wind turbine manufacturing.

robust 英英释义



1. rough and crude

    e.g. a robust tale

2. sturdy and strong in form, constitution, or construction

    e.g. a robust body
           a robust perennial

3. strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity

    e.g. the experiment yielded robust results
           a robust faith

4. marked by richness and fullness of flavor

    e.g. a rich ruby port
           full-bodied wines
           a robust claret
           the robust flavor of fresh-brewed coffee

    Synonym: full-bodiedracyrich

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