
rolled oats是什么意思 rolled oats在线翻译 rolled oats什么意思 rolled oats的意思 rolled oats的翻译 rolled oats的解释 rolled oats的发音

rolled oats[rəuld əuts] 

rolled oats 基本解释


rolled oats 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 燕麦片:美丽推荐:酸奶材料: 酸奶1杯 ,芒果果肉1杯 ,香蕉1个, 燕麦片(Rolled oats)半杯 ,蜂蜜3汤匙 准备方法:材料搅匀. 使用方法: 1)将美肤磨砂均匀涂在脸部、颈项和全身皮肤. 2)20分钟后轻轻按摩,洗净,即能感觉皮肤变得光滑、柔嫩.

2. rolled oats的近义词

2. 麦片:有益菌不仅可促进身体健康,还能用作美容. 酸奶制成的面膜和美体磨砂能去除污垢和杂质,酸奶中的乳酸还能达到紧致、柔化皮肤之效. 在配方中加入橙、奇异果等维他命C丰富的水果,还有助皮肤抗老,长久保持光滑柔嫩. 燕麦片(Rolled oats) 半杯

rolled oats 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. There is always the question of what type of rolled oats to use in baking; old-fashioned or quick-cooking.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. Why would I want carrots when I feel like rolled oats?

3. You don`t need to cook rolled oats. It is ready to eat.

4. Cereal made of especially rolled oats with dried fruits and nuts and honey or brown sugar.

5. And the goal isn't to save money, though you probably will; think of the cost of rolled oats and, say, Honey Bunches of Oats (about $5 a pound).

6. rolled oats

6. Soaking in a bath with 2 cups of rolled oats secured in a sock helps to relieve itching.

7. rolled oats

7. This crumble's topping contains old fashioned rolled oats.

8. You can even make your own oat flour at home - just pulse rolled oats in the food processor until they form a fine powder.

9. rolled oats的近义词

9. When fixing a salad, sprinkle rolled oats or crunchy whole-grain cereal for added fiber, so you'll feel full.

10. Eating high fiber foods, slow burning carbohydrates like rolled oats, wheat and bran is best.

11. rolled oats什么意思

11. Porridge made of rolled oats. a gathering at which burgoo stew is served.

12. Meal made from oats; rolled or ground oats.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

13. For chapped winter hands: Grind 1 cup of uncooked rolled oats in a mixer until you have very fine powder.

14. Porridge made of rolled oats.

rolled oats 单语例句

1. Make your own muesli with plain rolled oats, dried fruits and unsalted seeds and nuts.

rolled oats 英英释义


1. meal made from rolled or ground oats

    Synonym: oatmeal

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