
ruling是什么意思 ruling在线翻译 ruling什么意思 ruling的意思 ruling的翻译 ruling的解释 ruling的发音 ruling的同义词 ruling的反义词 ruling的例句

ruling [ˈru:lɪŋ]  [ˈrulɪŋ] 


ruling 基本解释

形容词统治的; 支配的; 管辖的; 流行的

名词统治; 裁定; 支配; [法]判决

ruling 相关例句


1. ruling的解释

1. His garden is his ruling passion.

2. Do you know what the ruling price of gold is?

3. At this point, the ruling classes were willing to compromise.


1. The Supreme Court will give the final ruling.

ruling 网络解释

1. 判决:此外,与戈玛一样,布莱尔认为,确保只有合格者才能发布裁决(fatwa)[2]或是就具体境遇下如何遵循伊斯兰教的判决(ruling)相当重要. 受到布莱尔大力欢迎的鼓励,戈玛提出帮助英国设立一个如同他自己那样的职务:国家认可的大穆夫提.

2. 刻度;划线:581 、 两点透视 two-point perspective | 582 、 刻度;划线 ruling | 583 、 刺冲 dot punch

ruling 词典解释

1. 统治的;支配的;掌权的;执政的
    The ruling group of people in a country or organization is the group that controls its affairs.


    e.g. ...the Mexican voters' growing dissatisfaction with the ruling party.
    e.g. ...the domination of the ruling class.

2. (法官或法院作出的)裁决,裁定
    A ruling is an official decision made by a judge or court.

    e.g. Goodwin tried to have the court ruling overturned...
    e.g. She appealed against a High Court ruling that she should be forcibly fed to save her life.

3. (热情或感情)占支配地位的,最强烈的
    Someone's ruling passion or emotion is the feeling they have most strongly, which influences their actions.

    e.g. Their ruling passion is that of carnal love.

ruling 单语例句

1. Residents and leaders of Massachusetts towns with sizable gay populations saw the ruling as a good business opportunity.

2. Fanned by the ruling, share prices in South Korean construction firms soared.

3. A ruling last month by the Connecticut Supreme Court will make gay marriage legal there beginning next week.

4. Even members of Ma's ruling Kuomintang have demanded a " cabinet " reshuffle, acknowledging overwhelming public complaints about government inefficiency.

5. Others who use the term say it's premature to talk about potential legal action but aren't ruling it out.

6. Morris said that shooting involved a different caliber of rifle than the other three attacks, but that authorities weren't ruling out a possible connection.

7. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan yesterday said it will call for an inflation target in its platform for July upper house elections.

8. Critics have called it a tactic to entrench the ruling party's hold over the legislature by shortening the existing assembly's term by two years.

9. Magneto resents the ruling humans'attempts to control mutants and espouses violence, while the professor favors reasoned calm and understanding.

10. The Party shall launch a nationwide campaign to educate its members for the improvement of its ruling capacity.


ruling 英英释义


1. the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)

    Synonym: opinion


1. exercising power or authority

    Synonym: regnantreigning

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