
run down是什么意思 run down在线翻译 run down什么意思 run down的意思 run down的翻译 run down的解释 run down的发音 run down的同义词

run down [rʌn daun]  [rʌn daʊn] 

run down 基本解释

撞倒; 走下坡路; 诽谤; (使)虚弱

run down 相关例句


1. run down在线翻译

1. The man's always running me down.

2. run down什么意思

2. They are running down a criminal.

3. Uncle George is always running down the government.

4. Billy ran down my truck when he used it last summer.

run down 网络解释

1. 追捕:配乐和歌曲绝对是<<情归新泽西>>的一大亮点,这些都是音乐总监阿曼达.席尔.黛米的功劳,曾经为包括<<限时追捕>>(Run Down)、<<战略高手>>(Out Of Sight)和让茱丽亚.罗伯茨赢得奥斯卡的<<决不妥协>>(Erin Brockovich)在内的25部影片担任配乐工作,

2. 夹杀:2.67 夹杀 (RUN DOWN) 防守球员在垒包之间让跑者出局的动作. 2.68 跑者 (RUNNER) 上垒后进垒、触垒、返回原垒中的进攻球员. 2.69 安全 (SAFE) 裁判宣判跑者成功上垒或回垒的术语. 2.70 固定式投球 (SET POSITION) 两种正规投球姿势中的一种.

3. 撞倒:let down 放下去 | run down 撞倒 | pull down 拆毁

4. 撞沉:run down 用完 | run down 撞沉 | run down 撞沉用完

run down 词典解释

1. 严厉批评;斥责;贬低
    If you run people or things down, you criticize them strongly.

    e.g. He last night denounced the British 'genius for running ourselves down'.
    e.g. ...that chap who was running down state schools.

2. 压缩;削减;减少
    If people run down an industry or an organization, they deliberately reduce its size or the amount of work that it does.

    e.g. The government is cynically running down Swe-den's welfare system...
    e.g. The property business could be sold or run down.

3. 减少;降低
    If someone runs down an amount of something, they reduce it or allow it to decrease.

run down什么意思

    e.g. But the survey also revealed firms were running down stocks instead of making new products...
    e.g. Its $25m reserve fund had been run down to around $8m.

4. (车辆)把…撞伤,撞倒
    If a vehicle or its driver runs someone down, the vehicle hits them and injures them.

    e.g. Lozano claimed that motorcycle driver Clement Lloyd was trying to run him down.

5. (机器或设备等)逐渐损耗,效能降低
    If a machine or device runs down, it gradually loses power or works more slowly.

run down是什么意思

    e.g. The batteries are running down.

6. see also: run-down

run down 单语例句

1. Cafu's robust run down the right flank took him to the byline and his delicate chipped cross was headed home by Kaka.

2. Strip down to your underwear in - 2 C, run a lap in the freezing cold and your worries will be gone.

3. Durant himself showed vast improvement in his defensive skills, clamping down on Kobe in the Thunders'surprising playoff run last year.

4. What complicates matters is that the many officials who run realty business on the side do not want the housing prices to climb down.

5. They assured me that the drivers would not run me down in cold blood.

6. This in turn could slow down public companies'growth prospects and help cool down the stock market in the long run.

7. Less adventurous people should take the alternative route along a red category, ski run that also leads down to the pass.

8. Many enterprises have not only stopped investing but also started to cut expenditure and run down their inventories.

9. Lie down for a few minutes before you run to prepare mentally and to allow the spine to decompress.

10. Over half of all paper mills take no measures before discharging wastewater, and treatment facilities at the others are old and run down.

run down 英英释义


1. use up all one's strength and energy and stop working

    e.g. At the end of the march, I pooped out

    Synonym: poop outpeter outrun outconk out

2. injure or kill by running over, as with a vehicle

    Synonym: run over

3. pursue until captured

    e.g. They ran down the fugitive

4. move downward

    e.g. The water ran down

5. examine hastily

    e.g. She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

    Synonym: scanskimrakeglance over

6. deplete

    e.g. exhaust one's savings
           We quickly played out our strength

    Synonym: exhaustplay outsaptire

7. trace

    e.g. We are running down a few tips

    Synonym: check out

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