
rut是什么意思 rut在线翻译 rut什么意思 rut的意思 rut的翻译 rut的解释 rut的发音 rut的同义词 rut的反义词 rut的例句 rut的相关词组

rut [rʌt]  [rʌt] 


rut 基本解释

名词车辙; 发情期; 老一套,惯例



rut 相关例句


1. The heavy-duty trucks were rutting the road.


1. rut在线翻译

1. Environment can sometimes alter the rutting age of an animal.


1. rut

1. When you feel stuck in a rut, it is time for you to upgrade your skills.

2. During the rut, the male deer can be very irritable.

3. rut

3. The detective followed the rut made by the jeep.

rut 网络解释

1. 车辙:某高速公路于1998年通车,通车5年后沥青路面出现了严重早期破坏,沥青路面破损类型为波浪(Ripple)和车辙(Rut),严重影响了高速公路的正常使用性能. 为此,首先通过系统试验检测,分析沥青路面早期破坏产生的主要原因,总结经验教训,

2. 发情期:提起打猎,自然还是颇为讲究经验的,譬如: scrape dripper的悬挂点最好是选择地势较高的树上;doe-in-hest scent和 buck urinescent在发情前期(pre rut)和发情期(rut)使用,会有很好的效果;cover scent是一 定要用的,

3. rut什么意思

3. 发情:rusts 锈菌类 | rut 发情 | rutin 芸香甙

4. 常规:rusty 生锈的 | rut 常规 | rutabaga 蔓菁

5. rut:rapid urease test; 快速脲酶试验

6. rut:rapid urase test; 快速尿素酶试验

rut 词典解释

1. (人、生活或工作)刻板乏味,一成不变,老一套
    If you say that someone is in a rut, you disapprove of the fact that they have become fixed in their way of thinking and doing things, and find it difficult to change. You can also say that someone's life or career is in a rut.

    e.g. I don't like being in a rut — I like to keep moving on...
    e.g. Many over 30s feel stuck in a financial rut.

2. 车辙
    A rut is a deep, narrow mark made in the ground by the wheels of a vehicle.

    e.g. Our driver slowed up as we approached the ruts in the road.
    e.g. ...the deep ruts left by the trucks' heavy wheels.

3. (动物的)发情期
    The rut is the period of the year when some animals such as deer are sexually active, and the males fight each other to mate with the females.

    e.g. ...two elks sparring during the autumn rut.
    e.g. ...a stag in rut.

4. see also: rutted;rutting

rut 单语例句

1. A rut is a bad position that is difficult to get out of.

2. There is a world of opportunity out there today and therefore no reason for you to get stuck in a rut.

3. When Guo became the mayor of Zhoushan city in Zhejiang in early 2003, the local economy was looking for ways out of a rut.

4. The US economy's growth slowed sharply in the final quarter of 2007 and remained stuck in a rut in the first quarter of this year.

rut 英英释义


1. a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape

    e.g. they fell into a conversational rut

    Synonym: groove

2. a groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels)

3. applies to nonhuman mammals: a state or period of heightened sexual arousal and activity

    Synonym: estrusoestrusheat


1. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove

    e.g. furrow soil

    Synonym: furrowgroove

2. be in a state of sexual excitement
    of male mammals

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