
sadder是什么意思 sadder在线翻译 sadder什么意思 sadder的意思 sadder的翻译 sadder的解释 sadder的发音 sadder的同义词 sadder的反义词 sadder的例句

sadder [sædər]  [sædər] 


sadder 基本解释

sad的比较级;悲哀的( sad的比较级 );糟糕的;可悲的;令人遗憾的;

sadder 网络解释

1. sadder的近义词

1. 悲哀的/可怜的:saddening /小变形锻造/轻轧/ | sadder /悲哀的/可怜的/ | saddest /悲哀的/可怜的/

sadder 双语例句

1. On the grey, gloomy days, when people were likely to be a little sadder, participants in the study tended to recall what was on the shop counter more accurately.

2. You should know that your son is sadder than you.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. I am sadder than you, because he has deceived me.

4. I'm sadder, but I'm wiser too

5. sadder是什么意思

5. Such I will be sadder than you.

6. sadder是什么意思

6. There is nothing sadder than the death of the heart.

7. What sadder reflection on all that we have become in this new and puzzling time?

8. sadder是什么意思

8. As for the parrot, he just looked down, even sadder that his story woul d not be heard because no one would believe a talking parrot, the last patriot of the Islan d of Miki.

9. There's nothing sadder to see than a picture of children who are all skin and bones.

10. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

10. Stronger it grew and sadder, and deepened into the tone of a death bell, knolling dolefully from some ivy-mantled tower, and bearing tidings of mortality and woe to the cottage, to the hall, and to the solitary wayfarer, that all might weep for the doom appointed in turn to them.

11. Chevalier, sorry for my carelessness, I am sadder than you.

12. sadder

12. I came home sadder but wiser.

13. He asked them, saying: Why is your oountenance sadder to day than usual?

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. When you are sad, I feel sadder than you.

15. Hey, Joe Hey joe C`mon joe Don`t make that sad song Any sadder than it already is Hey jack Get back Get yourself together C`mon c`mon I know you`re thinking about your nervous laugh I know exactly what you`re thinking of Hey sid No matter what you did It can work out Work out No matter how you feel Right now Hey george Do your chores Don`t feel sore I know it`s a lot more Than just being poor There`s a heaven and there`s a star for you There`s a heaven and there`s a star for you There`s a heaven and there`s a star for you There`s a star for you There`s a star for you There`s a star for you
      Hey,Joe 嗨!Joe 停下悲伤的歌比过去更悲伤的歌回来吧,Jack 找回你自己你在回想你不安的笑容我知道你在回想……嗨!Sid 你能挺过去你什么都能渡过不管你感受如何何时何地嗨!George 做你的家务吧不要感觉疼痛那远非卑微所能述说天堂和星辰都为你们为你们

16. sadder

16. You see, I don't really share Barrie's gloomy take on life: That we are born happy and dwindle down to unhappiness as we get older, and that life is perfect at three, but sadder with each passing year.

17. What can be sadder to see one pull away from visitors, peering out anxiously from behind his owner's legs?

18. The movie keeps getting bigger and weirder and denser and sadder and finnier, till all the pressure on Caden leads to a final implosion.

19. There is one thing sadder than having no money with which to buy bread at the baker's and that is having no money to purchase drugs at the apothecary's.

20. sadder在线翻译

20. The complete failure of his foolish investment in land left him sadder but wiser.

sadder 单语例句

1. An epidemic of mindless consumerism is sweeping the world with the compulsive pursuit of money and possessions making people richer but sadder.

2. It is sadder still that I have to judge the popularity of a news story by the yardstick of the Web.

3. It would be sadder if this problem continues to plague mainland bulk buyers and Macao and Hong Kong residents.

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