
sake是什么意思 sake在线翻译 sake什么意思 sake的意思 sake的翻译 sake的解释 sake的发音 sake的同义词 sake的反义词 sake的例句 sake的相关词组

sake [seɪk]  [sek] 


sake 基本解释

名词缘故; 理由; 日本米酒; 目的

sake 相关词组

1. for old sake's sake : 为了老交情;

2. without sake : 无缘无故;

3. for any sake : 无论如何;

4. art for art's sake : 艺术至上主义;


sake 相关例句


1. He moved his family to a warmer state for the sake of his wife's health.

2. Never do wrong for the sake of money.

3. sake的反义词

3. John did it for his own sake.

sake 网络解释

1. 清酒:直觉告诉他,清酒(Sake)的酿造过程中,一定蕴含着一个使肌肤晶莹剔透的秘密. 5年的潜心研究,300多种不同的天然酵母菌的删选分析,SK-II科学家们终于发现了珍贵的神奇物质Pitera,它是有一种天然酵母发酵而成,直到今天也不能用人工合成.

2. 缘故:我们可以按照各单词的不同部分对比记忆为:我(w)醒来(weak),吃(c)蛋糕(cake),他(t)拿着(take)东西,拄着棍子(l)在湖(lake)边,不是(b)在烘烤(bake),由于蛇(s)的缘故(sake),满天飞(f)骗子(fake),妈妈(m)在制造(make).

sake 词典解释

1. 由于;为了;因为…的缘故
    If you do something for the sake of something, you do it for that purpose or in order to achieve that result. You can also say that you do it for something's sake .

    e.g. Let's assume for the sake of argument that we manage to build a satisfactory database...
    e.g. For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts...

2. 为…本身的缘故;鉴于…本身的价值
    If you do something for its own sake, you do it because you want to, or because you enjoy it, and not for any other reason. You can also talk about, for example, art for art's sake or sport for sport's sake .


    e.g. Economic change for its own sake did not appeal to him...
    e.g. I just like car trips for their own sake.

3. 看在…份上;为了帮助(某人)
    When you do something for someone's sake, you do it in order to help them or make them happy.

    e.g. I trust you to do a good job for Stan's sake...
    e.g. Linda knew that for both their sakes she must take drastic action.

4. (用于加强请求、疑问的语气或表示厌烦、恼怒)看在上帝份上,天哪,行行好,拜托
    Some people use expressions such as for God's sake ,for heaven's sake ,for goodness sake, or for Pete's sake in order to express annoyance or impatience, or to add force to a question or request. The expressions 'for God's sake' and 'for Christ's sake' could cause offence.

    e.g. For goodness sake, why didn't you ring me?...
    e.g. You've got a computer system, for heaven's sake.

sake 单语例句

1. With the theme of Act for the Sake of Green Development, the Forum aims to build an open platform for exchanging technology and sharing information.

2. For the sake of global prosperity, the two countries must answer this call together.

3. The rulers and the establishment are using poor, brave soldiers as cannon fodder for the sake of a paltry sum in dollars.

4. The essay shows the married woman threw herself at Yi for the sake of her career and gradually fell in love with him.

5. The opposition Liberal Democrats said the plan was " change for change's sake ".

6. Cheung added that for safety's sake, reporters should not chase after officials or conduct interviews in the open area.

7. Though their classification as punk is the subject of much debate, the band accepts it for the sake of convenience.

8. All nations should join hands in working out ways to explore outer space for the sake of the peaceful coexistence of mankind.

9. It is comforting that metro operators have paid due attention to security checks for the sake of passengers'safety.

10. Many residents believe the commemoration should not be sacrificed for the sake of an international fair.

sake 英英释义


1. a reason for wanting something done

    e.g. for your sake
           died for the sake of his country
           in the interest of safety
           in the common interest

    Synonym: interest

2. the purpose of achieving or obtaining

    e.g. for the sake of argument

3. Japanese alcoholic beverage made from fermented rice
    usually served hot

    Synonym: sakirice beer

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