
salon是什么意思 salon在线翻译 salon什么意思 salon的意思 salon的翻译 salon的解释 salon的发音 salon的同义词 salon的反义词 salon的例句

salon [ˈsælɒn]  [səˈlɑ:n] 


salon 基本解释

名词沙龙,客厅; 画廊; (营业性的)厅,院; 美术展览会

salon 网络解释

1. 客厅:正宗的英国下午茶特色有三:幽雅舒适的环境--如家中的客厅(Salon)或花园;丰盛的冷热点心(refreshments)--要由女主人亲手调制;高档的茶具(tea set)--银制茶具(silver tea set)或细瓷杯碟(fine China cup and dish),

2. salon的近义词

2. 公司:看看网站的例子: 出版电子杂志的沙龙公司(Salon)对愿意浏览标题广告的访问者提供免费服务,而不想看广告的人就需支付费用才能看网站内容了. 同样的道理也适用于 IPTV: 讨厌广告的观众通过付费屏蔽它们. 少付钱,就得多看几则广告.

salon 词典解释

1. 美容院;美发厅;发廊
    A salon is a place where people have their hair cut or coloured, or have beauty treatments.

    e.g. ...a new hair salon.
    e.g. ...a beauty salon.

2. 高级服装店;时装店
    A salon is a shop where smart, expensive clothes are sold.


3. (旧时较为流行的)文艺界名流聚会,雅集,文艺沙龙
    A salon is an informal meeting of fashionable writers or artists, which is held at the house of someone who is well-known. Salons were more common in former times.


    e.g. His apartment was the most famous literary salon in Russia.

4. (豪华住宅的)客厅,会客室
    A salon is a sitting room in a large, grand house.

salon 单语例句

1. Start your transformation by stepping into a hair salon that suits you.

2. The salon has also helped several former addicts to get career training and find new jobs.

3. Also on show is Wildflowers and Roses, which won Shi the Carrousel du Louvre Salon 2010's special prize.

4. Liu said that his crafty swan eluded those trying to catch it and next turned up close to a beauty salon near the Chongqing Hotel.

5. Also attending the contest is last year's female champion Juliet Lee, a former chemistry professor in China who now owns a salon in Maryland.

6. Shanghai Cheongsam Salon founder Wang Weiyu displays her qipao collection at her home in Shanghai.

7. The manager of the salon explained that counterfeit shampoo improves profit margins, adding that using fake shampoo is a widespread industry practice.

8. She said her salon closed several times after problems with the district's market supervisors.

9. An epic Venezuelan touch is the massive mural coating the cupola in the Elliptical Salon.

10. The same salon also offers to mend the eyelashes once, if they come loose within that period.

salon 英英释义


1. elegant sitting room where guests are received

2. gallery where works of art can be displayed

3. a shop where hairdressers and beauticians work

    Synonym: beauty salonbeauty parlorbeauty parlourbeauty shop

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