
saloon是什么意思 saloon在线翻译 saloon什么意思 saloon的意思 saloon的翻译 saloon的解释 saloon的发音 saloon的同义词 saloon的反义词 saloon的例句

saloon [səˈlu:n]  [səˈlun] 


saloon 基本解释


名词大厅; 酒吧,酒馆; 展览场,公共大厅; 大轿车

saloon 相关例句


1. The saloon stays open all night.

2. The ship's passengers are in the dining saloon.

saloon 网络解释

1. 轿车:去年,在重要的生产线,我们引入了新的车型-奥迪A4 轿车 (saloon)和旅行车(Avant),A6,A3 Sportback以及12缸A8等,这使我们拥有了在高档豪华轿车阵营中最年轻的车型系列.

2. saloon

2. 酒吧:然后送给我一张黑桃A,让我到酒吧(Saloon)去碰碰运气. 酒吧中可以玩到二十一点和梭哈两种牌戏(Blackjack和Showhand). 我身上只有5块钱,太少了点,因此到牌桌上赌成几百元. 吧台上有个男子特罗特(Nate Trotter),可请他喝酒,

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 厅:大厦之屋内部科林斯式 的门廊后面有许多的豪华房间,并在下面带有小间的治安法庭,同时还有用于举办国宴的埃及厅(Egyptian Room)和招待重要客人的萨隆会客大厅(Saloon).

4. 沙龙:⒉车站内建筑 电话线(Telephone Poles):列车调头时间减半,建造花费$80K 小餐厅(Small Restaurant):旅客收入增加20%,建造花费$50K 大餐厅(Large Restaurant):旅客收入增加30%,建造花费$100K 沙龙(Saloon):旅客收入增加10%,

saloon 词典解释

1. (双排座)轿车,箱式小客车
    A saloon or a saloon car is a car with seats for four or more people, a fixed roof, and a boot that is separated from the rear seats.

in AM, use 美国英语用 sedan

2. 酒吧;酒馆
    A saloon is a place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk.

3. 酒吧雅座;(宾馆的)高级酒廊
    The saloon or saloon bar in a pub or hotel is a comfortable bar where the drinks are more expensive than in the other bars.


saloon 单语例句

1. The sixth generation of the successful business saloon is characterized by charismatic presence, stylish elegance and a dynamic silhouette.

2. The property once featured a cockfighting ring, movie theater and a saloon where Raul briefly tended bar.

3. Stark made the remarks in the capital of the Tibet autonomous region, where the company organized a brand experience event for its flagship 7 Series saloon.

4. He asked the drivers to park in front of the hair saloon where the man's wife worked.

5. The joint venture's Accord and Fit Saloon are in short supply domestically.

6. British luxury saloon maker Jaguar will recall 87 sedans in China over warning system flaws, said China's quality supervisor here Sunday.

7. He emerged from the palace after 55 minutes to find his saloon car had been swapped for a shiny new Jaguar.

8. Maybe it's the fully operational saloon with horses loitering out front.

9. It has become a large private auto enterprise group combining production capacity for buses, saloon cars and trucks.

10. West plays a singer named Lil who works in a saloon, a public drinking place.

saloon 英英释义



1. a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter

    e.g. he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar

    Synonym: barroombarginmilltaproom

2. tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms
    often provides light meals

    Synonym: public housepubpothousegin milltaphouse

3. a car that is closed and that has front and rear seats and two or four doors

    Synonym: sedan

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