
sands是什么意思 sands在线翻译 sands什么意思 sands的意思 sands的翻译 sands的解释 sands的发音 sands的同义词 sands的反义词 sands的例句

sands [sændz]  [sændz] 


sands 基本解释

沙滩;沙子;沙漠;沙( sand的名词复数 );沙洲;

sands 网络解释

1. sands什么意思

1. 沙滩:但时下海洋旅游开发的重点多在3S,即海水(Sea)、沙滩(Sands)和阳光(Sun),而对海洋历史旅游资源开发却很不足,特别是对极富蓝色文化内涵的南海丝路的旅游开发还缺乏应有的开发战略和力度.

2. 砂地:sandpit 采沙坑 | sands 砂地 | sandslinger 投砂器

3. 含油砂岩地层;沙滩:sandrock 松散砂岩 | sands 含油砂岩地层;沙滩 | sandsampling 取砂样

4. 汉:砂石 英:汉:石头 英:stone | 汉:砂石 英:sands | 汉:谈话 英:tongue

sands 单语例句


1. Industry in Canada has made significant strides in reducing the carbon intensity and water use in its oil sands.

2. Spring is traditionally a season when the sky is clouded over by drifting sands in the country's north and northwest parts.

3. This beach features particularly young, coarse sands and rather steep sandbars.

4. While Johnson did at least come away with a medal, others of the golden generation discovered that the sands of time are running out.

5. Sands'project was halted in November 2008 after credit markets seized up and revenue dwindled.

6. Several others are still missing at the bay, a notoriously dangerous area known for its fast rising tides and shifting sands.

7. Gunson also owned a mineral sands exploration property containing mostly zircon and titanium dioxide minerals during the IPO in 2000.

8. The various orchids on display at the Marina Bay Sands Exhibition and Convention Center turned the hall into a spectacular wonderland.

9. Neighboring South Korea suffered its worst " yellow dust " storm in four years at the weekend, hit by sands originating in the Gobi.

10. Stock markets in Asia have seen a significant rebound since March, and Sands expects the economic recession in Asia will be shorter than in the West.

sands 英英释义



1. the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean

    Synonym: littorallitorallittoral zone

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