
sanitation是什么意思 sanitation在线翻译 sanitation什么意思 sanitation的意思 sanitation的翻译 sanitation的解释 sanitation的发音 sanitation的同义词

sanitation [ˌsænɪˈteɪʃn]  [ˌsænɪˈteʃən] 

sanitation 基本解释



sanitation 相关例句


1. They lived in conditions of appalling sanitation.

sanitation 网络解释

1. 环境卫生:另外,环境卫生(sanitation)的重点在于食品加工周围的环境管理和控制,而HACCP的重点在于加工中的关键环节,因此,将几方面很好的结合起来是有效控制食品污染的最佳途径.

2. 卫生:[107]除了共和党的财经与外交政策之外,共和党对于艺术创作自由的限制也是哈克针贬的目标,而他发表于2000年的惠特尼美术馆双年展作品<<卫生>>(Sanitation)即证明其宝刀未老的政治批判力.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 生设施:卫生设施(Sanitation)随着人口的增长与制造出的废物的增多,潜在的健康危害也越大. 人们不得不建立相应的卫生系统来收集垃圾并处理污物. 于是出现了排出废水的水管及下水道. 以及在将污水排入水循环系统前的除污工序.

4. 卫生设施:等进入工业时代,电脑有了医学(Medicine)后,自行研究卫生设施(Sanitation),电脑一般很晚(900AD)才会研究出这项科技,而神级难度8人的地图中,一般600~700AD就能进入工业时代了.

sanitation 词典解释

1. 公共卫生;环境卫生
    Sanitation is the process of keeping places clean and healthy, especially by providing a sewage system and a clean water supply.

    e.g. ...the hazards of contaminated water and poor sanitation.

sanitation 单语例句

1. Sanitation workers cleaning the road agreed, saying it is always covered by midges this time of year.

2. The city's sanitation workers also went above and beyond the call of duty to clean up the mess caused by the flooding.

3. He survived on army rations and the camp was without electricity, running water or even basic sanitation.

4. The study also found that bad sanitation at the camp would've made contamination of the water system possible.

5. Many of them have limited financial resources for sanitation projects and limited urban planning capacity.

6. He went to Britain to study chemical engineering and then volunteered to help build water and sanitation systems in South Africa.

7. Treating sanitation workers with respect is an efficient way of keeping a place clean, says an article in the Beijing News.

8. A city government spokesman said the tanker truck's driver and two onlookers rushed to rescue a sanitation worker who had fainted while cleaning the tank.

9. Dandong city takes its sanitation seriously as has held many activities to promote cleanliness among local citizens.

10. Chinese people need to reflect on their actions, and realize that public hygiene and sanitation is as important as personal hygiene and cleanliness.

sanitation 英英释义


1. making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing

    Synonym: sanitizationsanitisation

2. the state of being clean and conducive to health

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