
savor是什么意思 savor在线翻译 savor什么意思 savor的意思 savor的翻译 savor的解释 savor的发音 savor的同义词 savor的反义词 savor的例句

savor ['seɪvə]  ['seɪvə] 


savor 基本解释

名词滋味; 气味; 食欲; 特定的味道或气味v.; 有…气味; 加调味品于; 使有风味


及物动词品尝; 欣赏; 给…加调味品; 使有风味


savor 相关例句


1. savor的反义词

1. He savored his success.


1. The room savored of tobacco.

2. savor的近义词

2. Her request savored of a command.


1. His humorous remarks added a savor to our conversation.

savor 网络解释

1. savor的翻译

1. 滋味:重要指标袁指食滋味(savor)和香味(aroma)两部分袁分别与人的味觉和1.3 肌苷酸(IMP)对肉品风味的影响直冤供能合成一定量三磷酸腺苷(ATP)遥与此同时袁ATP在ATP 酶的作用下迅速降解为二磷酸腺苷(ADP)袁降低转录因子茁-(NF-kB)的活性来直接抑制炎症袁而茁-(NF-kB)是许多炎症和免疫反应的中心操纵子遥因急性期凋亡反应(AARGC)要比

2. savor

2. 品尝:1)观看(see)观看酒的颜色是否有光泽清澈;2)旋动(swirl)旋动使空气进入酒中,可以使红酒的单宁变得更柔和;3)闻(sniff)闻酒香是否和谐或者有难闻的气味;4)细尝(sip)把酒吸入口中,鉴别酒在口腔中的味道;5)品尝(savor)品尝口中的酒是否柔顺,

3. 品味:不应该是浑浊不清的,最好是在自然光和白色的背景下观看.通常越老的红葡萄酒颜色越浅,越年轻的红葡萄酒颜色越深,且白葡萄酒正好相反越老的颜色越深,越年轻的越浅5.品味(Savor)要试想着口中品尝红

4. 相关词:She joined in the games with zest. 她很有兴趣地参加了比赛... | 相关词:Delight, eagerness, enjoyment, gusto, pleasure, relish, satisfaction, savor | 25. lotus-eater [希神]食忘忧树而忘却往事的人, 贪安逸的...

5. savor:single – actuated voice recorder; 单驱动录音机

savor 单语例句

1. The hustle and bustle of cities sometimes numbs us to our surroundings, so why not travel a fresh path in 2013 and savor the countryside?

2. Go ahead, dig in and savor the creamy rich cheesecake flavor in this dreamy mousse.

3. The giant shrimp in citrus jar is visually exciting but do savor the lemongrass and orange fragrance just when the lid is opened.

4. Experts can make their own dipping sauce, while beginners can savor a hot pot that is both classy and not too spicy.

5. That was plenty of time to explore the historical city with its compact center, a chance to truly know and savor the place at ease.

6. They also can admire great art, stroll medieval town squares and savor some of the world's best beer.

7. He came to Washington that January to celebrate the newly established relationship, to don a cowboy hat and savor some Americana.

8. The 1984 movie shifted to slow motion in the following scene, allowing audiences to fully savor the magic moment created by a piece of red dress.

9. Machines were expected to do most of the work, leaving us with increasing amounts of free time to savor the pleasures of life.

10. For a glimpse of authentic Xishuangbanna you can savor delicacies while enjoying the night scenery at Lancangjiang River.

savor 英英释义



1. the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth

    Synonym: relishflavorflavoursapiditysavoursmackniptang


1. derive or receive pleasure from
    get enjoyment from
    take pleasure in

    e.g. She relished her fame and basked in her glory

    Synonym: enjoybaskrelishsavour

2. taste appreciatively

    e.g. savor the soup

    Synonym: savour

3. give taste to

    Synonym: savour

4. have flavor
    taste of something

    Synonym: tastesavour

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