
scalp是什么意思 scalp在线翻译 scalp什么意思 scalp的意思 scalp的翻译 scalp的解释 scalp的发音 scalp的同义词 scalp的反义词 scalp的例句

scalp [skælp]  [skælp] 


scalp 基本解释


名词头皮; 胜利品; 圆秃秃的山顶; 做股票小投机所得的微小利润

及物动词剥去…的头皮; 倒卖(黄牛票); 以(某物)囤积居奇牟取暴利; 夺取(对方的势力)


scalp 网络解释

1. ( . 皮):头皮(scalp)的检查需分开头发观察头皮颜色、头皮屑,有无头癣、疖痈、外伤、血肿及瘢痕等. 头颅(skull)的视诊应注意大小、外形变化和有无异常活动. 触诊是用双手触摸头颅的每一部位,了解其外形,有无压痛和异常隆 起. 头颅的大小以头围来衡量,

2. 抢帽子交易:抢帽子交易(scalp) 为了小额利润而进行的一种速度很快,通常只持续几分钟的交易. 板块(Sector) 股市的一个子集,组成该子集的公司都属於相同的行业. 卖空(Sell short) 为了在价格向下波动时赚钱而出售自己并没有拥有的证券.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 抢帽子:15、 sale down 递跌买入 | 16、 scalp 抢帽子 | 17、 short sale 卖空

scalp 词典解释

1. 头皮
    Your scalp is the skin under the hair on your head.


    e.g. He smoothed his hair back over his scalp...
    e.g. Massage the shampoo into the scalp.

2. 剥下…的头皮
    To scalp someone means to remove the skin and hair from the top of their head.

    e.g. He pretended to scalp me with his sword.

3. 带发头皮
    A scalp is the piece of skin and hair that is removed when someone is scalped.

4. 战利品;对…的惩罚
    If you say that you want someone's scalp, you mean that you want to defeat or punish them.

    e.g. Stock speculators wanted his scalp...
    e.g. He told friends I was after his scalp.

5. 倒卖,炒卖(票)
    If someone scalps tickets, they sell them outside a sports ground or theatre, usually for more than their original value.

    e.g. He was trying to pick up some cash scalping tickets.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 tout

scalp 单语例句

1. Using technologically advanced ingredients, the collection claims to help keep hair and scalp naturally clean and beautiful.

2. You can relax in a nice, warm thermal cocoon while enjoying the application of a scalp massage.

3. One comb had wide teeth for untangling, while one had smaller teeth for scrubbing her scalp.

4. Experts warn extensions can put excessive pressure on the scalp, with the risk of natural hair being pulled.

5. Old man's head mushrooms are reminiscent of an elderly gentlemen's cropped scalp of white hair.

6. LONDON - Chelsea visit Hull City on Wednesday hoping to avoid becoming the latest big scalp from the capital for the Premier League's surprise package.

7. People nearby leapt on him to put out the fire, but Jackson was hospitalized for days with a burned scalp.

8. The treatment works by sending very rapid bursts of magnetic energy into the brain through coils attached to the scalp.

9. Our skin drank in the moisture as the therapist provided a relaxing scalp massage.

10. When you start shedding layers of winter clothing with the arrival of spring, you may notice that your skin and scalp are shedding too.

scalp 英英释义


1. the skin that covers the top of the head

    e.g. they wanted to take his scalp as a trophy


1. remove the scalp of

    e.g. The enemies were scalped

2. sell illegally, as on the black market

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