
scan是什么意思 scan在线翻译 scan什么意思 scan的意思 scan的翻译 scan的解释 scan的发音 scan的同义词 scan的反义词 scan的例句 scan的相关词组

scan [skæn]  [skæn] 


scan 基本解释

及物动词<计>扫描; 细看; 细查; (雷达)对…进行扫描

名词扫描; 浏览; 审视; (雷达)(屏面上的)光点

不及物动词(光束、雷达等)扫描; 扫略; (诗歌)符合韵律; 标出诗歌的格律

scan 相关例句


1. I scanned Time magazine while waiting at the doctor's office.

2. scan的意思

2. His mother scanned his face to see if he was telling the truth.

3. The shipwrecked sailor scanned the horizon anxiously every morning .


1. These lines do not scan.


1. The second scan revealed a brain tumor.

scan 网络解释

1. 浏览:如果遥控器上没有这个ALT键,则,按遥控器,菜单,屏显,静音,浏览(SCAN)进入总线,按睡眠定时键切换菜单,将16:9模式关闭了,彻底解决快捷按键失效,出现的16:9画面.

2. 扫瞄:按下多功能事务机前控制台的 黑白影印 (Black and White Printing) 或 彩色影印 (Color Printing) 按钮,便会开始进行影印. 请按下机器的 扫瞄 (Scan) 按钮.

3. scan:supermarket computer answering network; 超市计算机应答网络

4. scan:stereo cabiner area network; 立体声组合音响局域网

5. scan:serial contraction and adsorption nanolithography; 级联缩微方法

6. scan的翻译

6. scan:supermarket computer answering service; 超级市场计算机应答服务

scan 词典解释

1. 粗略地看;快读;浏览
    When you scan written material, you look through it quickly in order to find important or interesting information.

    e.g. She scanned the advertisement pages of the newspapers...
    e.g. I haven't read much into it as yet. I've only just scanned through it.

2. 细看;察看;审视;端详
    When you scan a place or group of people, you look at it carefully, usually because you are looking for something or someone.


    e.g. The officer scanned the room...
    e.g. She was nervous and kept scanning the crowd for Paul...

3. (用机器)扫描(行李等)
    If people scan something such as luggage, they examine it using a machine that can show or find things inside it that cannot be seen from the outside.


    e.g. Their approach is to scan every checked-in bag with a bomb detector.

...routine scanning of luggage.

4. 扫描(磁盘以查毒)
    If a computer disk is scanned, a program on the computer checks the disk to make sure that it does not contain a virus.

    e.g. The disk has no viruses — I've scanned it already.

5. 扫描(照片或文件)
    If a picture or document is scanned into a computer, a machine passes a beam of light over it to make a copy of it in the computer.

    e.g. The entire paper contents of all libraries will eventually be scanned into computers...
    e.g. Designs can also be scanned in from paper.

6. (雷达、声呐等)扫描,扫掠
    If a radar or sonar machine scans an area, it examines or searches it by sending radar or sonar beams over it.

    e.g. The ship's radar scanned the sea ahead.

7. (医疗)扫描检查
    A scan is a medical test in which a machine sends a beam of X-rays over a part of your body in order to check that it is healthy.

    e.g. He was rushed to hospital for a brain scan.
    e.g. ...a breast scan to check for cancer.

8. 胎儿扫描检查
    If a pregnant woman has a scan, a machine using sound waves produces an image of her womb on a screen so that a doctor can see if her baby is developing normally.


9. (诗)符合格律,韵节合拍
    If a line of a poem does not scan, it is not the right length or does not have emphasis in the right places to match the rest of the poem.

    e.g. He had written a few poems. Sid told him they didn't scan.

scan 单语例句

1. The satellite is equipped with advanced detectors such as an infrared scan actinograph and a microwave formatter.

2. Port security has long been identified as a key weak point for terror attacks, including the need to scan cargo containers coming into the country by ship.

3. Former Montreal Expos star catcher Gary Carter says an MRI scan of his brain has revealed four tumours but he described them as " small ".

4. A scan showed no visible lesions, meaning all were less than 1 centimeter in length.

5. The scan also showed he had the overbite characteristic of other kings from his family, large incisor teeth and his lower teeth were slightly misaligned.

6. He will return later this month for two final rounds of chemotherapy followed by three months of freedom from medical procedures before getting another scan.

7. The Color Picker is a concept pen that can scan colors from and mimic that color for drawing.

8. " You would just scan products that come out of manufacturing lines, " Watanabe added.

9. Many teachers and schools now use computer programs to scan essays for plagiarism, an ancient transgression made all too easy by the Internet.

10. Computer technology allowed them to scan, rotate and calculate images regardless of their orientation in the paintings.

scan 英英释义


1. the act of scanning
    systematic examination of a prescribed region

    e.g. he made a thorough scan of the beach with his binoculars

2. an image produced by scanning

    e.g. he analyzed the brain scan
           you could see the tumor in the CAT scan

    Synonym: CAT scan



1. obtain data from magnetic tapes

    e.g. This dictionary can be read by the computer

    Synonym: read

2. read metrically

    e.g. scan verses

3. make a wide, sweeping search of

    e.g. The beams scanned the night sky

4. move a light beam over
    in electronics, to reproduce an image

5. examine hastily

    e.g. She scanned the newspaper headlines while waiting for the taxi

    Synonym: skimrakeglance overrun down

6. examine minutely or intensely

    e.g. the surgeon scanned the X-ray

7. conform to a metrical pattern

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