
scandalous是什么意思 scandalous在线翻译 scandalous什么意思 scandalous的意思 scandalous的翻译 scandalous的解释 scandalous的发音 scandalous的同义词

scandalous [ˈskændələs]  [ˈskændləs] 

比较级:more scandalous最高级:most scandalous

scandalous 基本解释


形容词丢脸的; 诽谤性的

scandalous 相关例句


1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. It's scandalous that you still haven't been paid.

scandalous 网络解释

1. scandalous

1. 诽谤性的:*我们不应该仅从这场辩论与马基雅维里文本的关系,以及其中可以感觉到的诽谤性的(scandalous)或根本不能接受的一面来看待整个辩论. 我们要从辩论试图确定的某种具有独特性的东西来着手考虑这场辩论,这就是一种治理的艺术.

2. scandalous的解释

2. 不体面的:2. option 选择权 | 3. scandalous 不体面的 | 4. census 调查,统计资料

3. 令人愤慨的,丑闻的:Credible 可信的 | Scandalous 令人愤慨的,丑闻的 | Department store 百货商场

4. scandalous在线翻译

4. 又是首勾起人去酒吧的歌曲:. P.I.M.P. 曾经我做铃声 被整个办公室的同事骂的歌曲 ~~他们嫌我吵~~ | . Scandalous. 又是首勾起人去酒吧的歌曲~~ | . sing for the moment. 我觉得挺悲的..又让我想到慢摇吧~~

scandalous 词典解释

1. 不道德的;令人震惊的
    Scandalous behaviour or activity is considered immoral and shocking.

    e.g. They would be sacked for criminal or scandalous behaviour...
    e.g. He spoke of scandalous corruption and incompetence.

He asked only that Ingrid stop behaving so scandalously.

2. 讲述丑闻的;揭发惊人事件的
    Scandalous stories or remarks are concerned with the immoral and shocking aspects of someone's behaviour or something that has happened.

    e.g. Newspaper columns were full of scandalous tales...
    e.g. A jealous colleague could spread scandalous gossip about you.

3. 令人愤慨的;可耻的;丢脸的
    You can describe something as scandalous if it makes you very angry and you think the people responsible for it should be ashamed.


    e.g. It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.
    e.g. ...a scandalous waste of money.

...scandalously overpriced Beaujolais Nouveau.

scandalous 单语例句


1. Also popular are contentious or scandalous books, as New Yorkers seek to keep up with books that have relatives back home talking.

2. The French team defended its " incredible exploit ", while the Croatian club described the speculation as " scandalous and malicious ".

3. The affection Pakistanis feel for the couple's story is surprising, since their affair would be just as scandalous now as it was in their day.

4. Many parents may take their children's homosexuality as scandalous, while more people equate homosexuals with sinners.

5. Perry spoke to The Associated Press about stripping her songs bare, writing scandalous lyrics and how her next album will make people dance.

6. When they point fingers at a genius and his " scandalous ways ", they feel it is their moral right to do so.

7. All of which makes it scandalous that the open source movement has not taken off in the UK as it has in other countries.

8. Richie recalls a time when the most scandalous pictures were of Jackie Onassis meeting a shipping tycoon on a private island.

9. " It wasn't only because they thought the book was scandalous, " she said.

10. Berlusconi has insisted there was nothing scandalous in his relationship with Noemi Letizia, whom he has said was the daughter of an old friend from political circles.

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