
scones是什么意思 scones在线翻译 scones什么意思 scones的意思 scones的翻译 scones的解释 scones的发音 scones的同义词 scones的反义词 scones的例句

scones 基本解释

烤饼,烤小圆面包( scone的名词复数 );

scones 网络解释

1. 松饼:而正统的英式下午茶点心,是用三层点心盘装盛,底层和中层放英国特产烘松饼 (Scones)等的点心,顶层则放蛋糕与果挞. 至於烘松饼的吃法,是先涂果酱、再涂奶油. 吃完一口,再涂下一口.

2. 司康/比司吉:布甸/布丁 pudding | 司康/比司吉 scones | 舒芙蕾 souffles

3. scones的解释

3. 烤饼:203. Curried Yabbies Yabbies用咖喱调料做 | 204. Scones烤饼 | 206. Croutons巴豆

4. 松饼/司康/比司吉:Pudding = 布甸/布丁 | Scones = 松饼/司康/比司吉 | Muffin = 英式松饼

scones 双语例句

1. scones的解释

1. The heat circulation of a small oven is not as efficient, therefore the scones had to be turned after 6 to 7 min.

2. Don't hog all those scones, Tibby.

3. For more information on the history and making of Scones.

4. scones

4. No scones, but I`ve fresh b read which is just as good.

5. I'll teach you how to make scones.

6. I would like to sell tea and scones from England.

7. I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-try. On Wednesdays I go shoppin'And have buttered scones for tea.

8. Give me eight coppers, Kuei-ying: I want to get some scones for my supper.

9. scones的翻译

9. Can you show me how to make raisin scones, please?

10. Along with muffins and scones, many Starbucks now have drive-through windows and sell breakfast sandwiches, just like McDonald's. Starbucks'are snootier, of course, with spinach and eggs, herbed sausage and aged cheddar cheese.

11. scones的意思

11. May I have two raisin scones and a plate of fish and chips, please?

12. She was very glad and even told us her secret recipe for scones.

13. 911查询·英语单词

13. You may bake the scones directly from the freezer, but their baking time will be approximately 4 to 5 minutes longer.

14. It's warm cranberry buttermilk scones and lemon curd.

15. scones是什么意思

15. Supposed to be going to Habitu, yet really attracted by the high tea set display with sweet macaron and cakes on the top, scones and chiffon cake on the middle and sandwiches on the bottom.
      之前在 OPENRICE 睇相,已经好想去圆方食心太软。等见工等到闷闷地,同妈子去圆方行左一趟,试了心太软。

16. A few things to keep in mind when making scones; always have the butter cold, add the liquid to the dry ingredients all at once, and mix everything together quickly and lightly.

17. Breakfast food, which can be highly regional, in-cludes cold cereal with milk, bacon, coffee, oatmeal, sausage, ham, eggs, scrapple (made from the parts of the pig unfit for sausage), coffee, biscuits (like Eng-lish scones), home-fried potatoes, toast, fried''.

18. With milk, bacon, coffee, oatmeal, sausage, ham, eggs, scrapple (made from the parts of the pig unfit for sausage), coffee, biscuits (like Eng-lish scones), home-fried potatoes, toast, fried corn meal mush, maple syrup (made from the sap of maple trees), coffee, waffles, corned beef hash, pancakes, coffee, and grits.

19. scones的翻译

19. Breakfast food, which can be highly regional, in-cludes cold cereal with milk, bacon, coffee, oatmeal, sausage, ham, eggs, scrapple (made from the parts of the pig unfit for sausage), coffee, biscuits (like Eng-lish scones), home-fried potatoes, toast, fried corn meal mush, maple syrup (made from the sap of maple trees), coffee, waffles, corned beef hash, pancakes, coffee, and grits.

20. scones的近义词

20. Of course, having the scones come out of the oven shortly before assembling the Shortcake would be ideal, but not very practical for most cooks.
      当然 ,有烤饼走出炉前不久装配草莓将是理想的,但不是非常实际的大部分厨师。

scones 单语例句

1. The scones should be crusty on the outside and soft and flaky inside.

2. Serve red currant jelly to go with both the ham and the buttered scones.

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