
scoop是什么意思 scoop在线翻译 scoop什么意思 scoop的意思 scoop的翻译 scoop的解释 scoop的发音 scoop的同义词 scoop的反义词 scoop的例句

scoop [sku:p]  [skup] 


scoop 基本解释

名词铲,勺,水舀,铲斗; 一勺[铲]之量; 穴,凹处; 通气(或通水)口

及物动词舀; 挖空; 掏,抓取; [非正式用语]抢先获得、发布

scoop 相关词组

1. scoop in : v. 筹集;

scoop 相关例句


1. She scooped flour out of the bag.

2. We scooped the other companies by making the best offer for the contract.

3. They scooped all the other dailies with the story of the election fraud.


1. He earned 2,000 pounds in one scoop.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. He got all the big scoops for the paper.

scoop 网络解释

1. 独家新闻:跟<<赛末点>>(Match Point)、<<独家新闻>>(Scoop)一样,<<卡珊德拉之梦>>仍是部跟罪恶感有关的道德剧,陀思妥耶夫斯基的<<罪与罚>>依然影响着伍迪.艾伦,三部曲还是一脉相承.

2. scoop的解释

2. 勺子:首先、往左走来马厩之前,与沃夫(Wilf)交谈并向其打听梅林的所在,不过、他似乎不愿多说什麽,所以只好拿了马厩内的水桶(bucket)和勺子(scoop) ;之後便走进隔壁的铁匠铺和铁匠聊聊游戏攻略 而制作这项物品必须搜集三样材料,

3. 铲子:两次摘走金棕榈的埃米尔.库斯图里卡也不会卷土重来,因为他拍摄的关于阿根廷足球明星马拉多纳的纪录片还没有完成,伍迪.艾伦在法国拍摄的<<铲子>>(Scoop)也不可能赶上末班车.

4. scoop的反义词

4. 铲击球:铲击球(scoop) 高尔夫中高尔夫运动术语,不正确的挥杆方法,球棒有挖坑或捞球的动作. 曲棍球中曲棍球运动术语. 击球基本技术的一种. 指运用 手腕力量.使球棍的头部抽击或撞击球体,将球击打离地运动的一种击球...

scoop 词典解释

1. (敏捷地)抱起,拿起,捡起,拽过来
    If you scoop a person or thing somewhere, you put your hands or arms under or round them and quickly move them there.


    e.g. Michael knelt next to her and scooped her into his arms.

2. (用勺子等)舀,盛
    If you scoop something from a container, you remove it with something such as a spoon.

    e.g. ...the sound of a spoon scooping dog food out of a can.

3. 勺;勺状物
    A scoop is an object like a spoon which is used for picking up a quantity of a food such as ice cream or an ingredient such as flour.

    e.g. ...a small ice-cream scoop.

4. 抢先报道的新闻;独家新闻
    You can use scoop to refer to an exciting news story which is reported in one newspaper or on one television programme before it appears anywhere else.


    e.g. ...one of the biggest scoops in the history of newspapers.

5. 抢先报道
    If a newspaper scoops other newspapers, it succeeds in printing an exciting or important story before they do.

    e.g. All the newspapers really want to do is scoop the opposition.

6. 获取,赢得,捧走(奖金或奖项)
    If you scoop a prize or award, you win it.


    e.g. ...films which scooped awards around the world.

7. (衣领)汤匙式的,大圆领的
    If something such as a dress has a scoop neck or a scooped neck, the neck has the shape of a wide, deep curve at the front.

相关词组:scoop outscoop up

scoop 单语例句

1. Scoop up the clams on to a deep platter and pour over the pan juices.

2. When cool enough, scoop out the insides of the eggplant and coarsely chop.

3. The silicon can be removed and the scoop turned into a normal colander, he noted.

4. And kiwi fruit somehow just feels like it should count for two, especially when you cut them in half and scoop the fruit out with a teaspoon.

5. Scoop torte into bowls or goblets to serve and drizzle with a little more moscato.

6. Lun said the Hang Seng's huge drop on Monday was bringing buyers back to seek bargains and scoop up blue chips that had tumbled.

7. The chef waves a scoop up and down to season it with garlic, salt and pepper and the fragrance is thoroughly enticing.

8. Three inch shiny stilettos and scoop necked netting around her shoulders, completed the fishwife look.

9. Zou's patented scoop has several holes covered with a silicon gel that allows only clear broth to enter.

10. Though it has become harder to sniff out a scoop at the congress, some tricks to get hold of top officials for a short talk still work.

scoop 英英释义



1. a large ladle

    e.g. he used a scoop to serve the ice cream

2. the shovel or bucket of a dredge or backhoe

    Synonym: scoop shovel

3. street names for gamma hydroxybutyrate

    Synonym: soapmaxliquid ecstasygrievous bodily harmgoopGeorgia home boyeasy lay

4. a news report that is reported first by one news organization

    e.g. he got a scoop on the bribery of city officials

    Synonym: exclusive

5. the quantity a scoop will hold

    Synonym: scoopful

6. a hollow concave shape made by removing something

    Synonym: pocket



1. get the better of

    e.g. the goal was to best the competition

    Synonym: outdooutflanktrumpbest

2. take out or up with or as if with a scoop

    e.g. scoop the sugar out of the container

    Synonym: scoop outlift outscoop uptake up

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