
scourge是什么意思 scourge在线翻译 scourge什么意思 scourge的意思 scourge的翻译 scourge的解释 scourge的发音 scourge的同义词 scourge的反义词

scourge [skɜ:dʒ]  [skɜ:rdʒ] 


scourge 基本解释

名词天灾,灾难; 鞭子; 苦难的根源

及物动词鞭打; 重惩,重责; 使痛苦; 严惩

scourge 相关例句


1. For fifteen years the country was scourged by war.

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. He was scourged for tax evasion.

3. He was scourged by the memory of his misdeeds.


1. The cruel captain used a scourge on his disobedient sailor.

2. Smallpox was once the scourge of the world.

3. After the scourge of war came the scourge of disease.

scourge 网络解释

1. scourge的近义词

1. 瘟疫:[美版C系列变形金刚] 暗黑司令官三头龙-瘟疫(Scourge)正宗美国孩之宝(Hasbro)产品,做工非常精细&产品全新没有开封MISB. 收藏者的最佳选择![美版C系列变形金刚] 暗黑司令官三头龙-瘟疫(Scourge)的出价/购买记录

2. (天罚之锤):*连枷类型武器是这个符文之语在单手武器中唯一可以出现的,而且连枷(Flail)是需求最低的. 这是一个为施法者提供的武器,所以你没有必要去寻找皮鞭(Knout)、天罚之锤(Scourge),甚至是超强的连枷.

3. 自杀飞机:使用自杀飞机(Scourge)杀死游荡的Arbiter (四个Scourge破坏一个Arbiter),使用queen的Ensnare利用Arbiter拓展视野. 用Defiler的Plague魔法重重杀伤Arbiter. 使用大量的Devourer(吞噬者)与 Overlord(领主配合)迅速杀伤与Arbiter配合的部队.

4. 鞭:在这一关我军可以生产新的兵种了,首先在火山口建一集气站收集气体,研究室(SPRIE)来提升飞行攻击力和护甲的等级,接下来可以生产默龙(TELISK)和酷鞭(SCOURGE)了,当屯集四十只作战单位后(各兵种要尽量均衡)一起出发清除沿途的PROTOSS敌人,

scourge 词典解释

1. 灾难;祸害
    A scourge is something that causes a lot of trouble or suffering to a group of people.


    e.g. ...the best chance in 20 years to end the scourge of terrorism...
           20 年来消灭恐怖主义祸害的最佳机会
    e.g. Drugs are a scourge that is devastating our society.

2. 使痛苦;危害;折磨
    If something scourges a place or group of people, it causes great pain and suffering to people.


    e.g. Economic anarchy scourged the post-war world.

scourge 单语例句

1. The hundreds of bees buzzing around a pine tree in the park had become the scourge of people hoping to do their morning exercises.

2. Ben Wilson fights the scourge of sidewalk gum by adorning it with his outsider art.

3. The establishment of a national organ on preventing corruption will sound the clarion call to fight the scourge from its very root.

4. There is no reason cultural products should be spared the scourge of quality scandals brought on by cheap copycats and unscrupulous scam artists.

5. The international community should step up efforts to combat the terrorism scourge, which threatens global security.

6. While every country has a role to play in tackling climate change, concerted international efforts hold the key for effective response to this global scourge.

7. Roadside and subway advertisements condemning the scourge of domestic violence are part of the governments'efforts to call attention to the situation.

8. The AfDB president has set the tone in this respect through his consistent public pronouncements against the scourge in official forums and in the bank.

9. But other threats - particularly the scourge of international terrorism - have grown markedly and pushed the two sides toward greater security coordination.

10. " The government must investigate the allegations of corruption and eliminate the scourge in Chinese soccer, " he told AFP in an interview this week.

scourge 英英释义


1. a whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor)

    Synonym: flagellum

2. a person who inspires fear or dread

    e.g. he was the terror of the neighborhood

    Synonym: terrorthreat

3. something causing misery or death

    e.g. the bane of my life

    Synonym: banecursenemesis


1. cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly

    e.g. The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion

    Synonym: lay waste towastedevastatedesolateravage

2. whip

    e.g. The religious fanatics flagellated themselves

    Synonym: flagellate

3. punish severely

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