
scraggy是什么意思 scraggy在线翻译 scraggy什么意思 scraggy的意思 scraggy的翻译 scraggy的解释 scraggy的发音 scraggy的同义词 scraggy的反义词

scraggy [ˈskrægi]  ['skræɡɪ] 


scraggy 基本解释


scraggy 网络解释

1. scraggy

1. 瘦弱的:scraggly 蓬乱的 | scraggy 瘦弱的 | scram 紧急刹车

2. scraggy

2. 瘦弱的,凸凹不平的:107. bemoan: vt. 惋惜,认为遗憾,哀叹 | moan: v.n.(痛苦的)呻吟,(不满的)抱怨 | 108. scraggy: 瘦弱的,凸凹不平的

3. 瘦而多骨的:craggy 有峭壁的,粗壮的 | scraggy 瘦而多骨的 | groggy 体弱的,不稳的

scraggy 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. They gobbled salads and tore at scraggy chicken, played cardsraucously together and pampered each other's children, until theafternoon lunch-break lulled them into sleep.

2. His thick hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his misty glasses weak eyes looked up pleading.

3. scraggy的翻译

3. His tangled hair and scraggy neck gave witness of unreadiness and through his misty glasses weak eyes looked up pleading.

4. scraggy

4. The thin shoulders were hunched forward so as to make a cavity of the chest, the scraggy neck seemed to be bending double under the weight of the skull.

5. scraggy什么意思

5. No matter who you are, a scraggy boy or a girl who is a little fat.
    题目是be yourself 无论你是谁,一个瘦弱的男孩,或者一个胖胖的女孩。

6. In that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here.

7. 3Well, in that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here.

8. I am sure you would never remember me again, that poor widow who was a teacher in primary school and her minor and scraggy daughter.
    你 肯定再也不会想起我,想不起那个寒酸的小学教员寡妇,和她那尚未成年的瘦小的女儿。

9. And get our scraggy bottoms out of here.

10. 21But after eating them, it was as if they had not eaten them at all because they remained as lean and scraggy as they were before.

11. Well, in that case, I decree that we pack our bags and get our scraggy bottoms out of here.

12. scraggy

12. Looking over them was a wrinkled, scraggy hag.

13. Most pathetic were their hairless neck, so long, bent and clumsy, caning out like scraggy, disconcerted dragons. The top of the hill was bare.

14. He examined the large watch which ornamented his scraggy wrist.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. They gobbled salads and tore at scraggy chicken, played cards raucously together and pampered each other's children, until the afternoon lunch-break lulled them into sleep.

16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

16. The new kind of CSD diamond abrasive with the crumb structure which consists of many fine crystals has the character of coarsen and scraggy surfaces, it can avoid that single cystals early fall off because of the fast - ness in the bonder;

17. I remember writing in a game story from Memphis recently that the shaggy-haired, scraggy-bearded Pau Gasol looked like Phil Jackson back in Jackson`s playing days.

scraggy 词典解释

1. 骨瘦如柴的;皮包骨头的
    If you describe a person or animal as scraggy, you mean that they look unattractive because they are so thin.

    e.g. ...his scraggy neck.
    e.g. ...a flock of scraggy sheep.

scraggy 英英释义


1. having a sharply uneven surface or outline

    e.g. the jagged outline of the crags
           scraggy cliffs

    Synonym: jaggedjaggy

2. being very thin

    e.g. a child with skinny freckled legs
           a long scrawny neck

    Synonym: boneyscrawnyskinnyunderweightweedy

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