
scrounge是什么意思 scrounge在线翻译 scrounge什么意思 scrounge的意思 scrounge的翻译 scrounge的解释 scrounge的发音 scrounge的同义词

scrounge [skraʊndʒ]  [skraʊndʒ] 


scrounge 基本解释



scrounge 相关例句


1. He scrounged a cigarette from his roommate.

scrounge 网络解释

1. 搜寻:scrotum 阴囊 | scrounge 搜寻 | scrub away 擦洗

2. 偷东西:偷盗pilferage | 偷东西scrounge | 偷渡者stowaway

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 搜集:Mischievous淘气的 | Scrounge搜集 | Cinder煤渣

4. 占有/行乞/搜寻/东张西望/偷东西:scrotum /阴囊/ | scrounge /占有/行乞/搜寻/东张西望/偷东西/ | scrub-team /非正规球队/

scrounge 双语例句

1. scrounge的解释

1. She couldn't hold a job. We'd been forced to scrounge for food in dumpsters.

2. If you're on the scrounge again, I've no money.

3. scrounge的解释

3. It took me a month to scrounge up enough money.

4. See if you can scrounge up a few sheets for me.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. She has a job now, but still goes back to her parents'house to scrounge food.

6. Can I scrounge a cigarette off you?

7. Of course. Look at Paddy—a tea-swilling old moocher, only fit to scrounge for fag-ends. That`s the way most of them go. I despise them.

8. As an old woman chosen from the countryside by cao xue qin, grandmother liu came to masion jia to try her luck, to get pretty advantages at expense of other people, people thought she was vulgar, ridiculous and ignorant, thought she came here with country folks fun to scrounge, treated her just for the fun. All that impressions she gave us just because she lived under such a huge differences between rich and poor, without other choice, life decided her action. Her action was ludicrous and laughable, also, pathetic. It was a tragedy of all the peasants. For liu, only through humiliating herself to seek advantage, so that could go on the hard life. however, she faced her status squarely, and gained happiness from her own simple feature. Plus the process of resuing qiao jie, all the fact made a clever, cautious, humourous and kind grandmother, a good at social communications, active and optimistic grandmother.

9. Get petty advantages at the expense of other people or the state; scrounge

10. scrounge的翻译

10. When he started his company, the young entrepreneur used to scrounge for office furniture such as

11. The government did not give them money, forcing them to scrounge for food.

12. Williams had to scrounge enough money to get his car out of the car park

13. We had to scrounge a bit for the wheels because they seem to be popular for yard ornaments.

14. I haven't gone shopping but I'm sure I can scrounge up something for dinner.

15. Could you scrounge me uPA bucket?

16. Can I scrounge a bandage from your aid kit, sir?

17. scrounge在线翻译

17. I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.

18. scrounge的反义词

18. He tried to scrounge some money off me for his bus fare.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. He arrived home one day and told his young sons, 'Boys, we've lost it all; we're ruined.'Templeton worked odd jobs to scrounge his way through college and graduate school.

20. I have a change of clothes, a blanket, and a sheet that three of you can use until I can scrounge up some real clothes.

scrounge 词典解释

1. 乞讨;索要
    If you say that someone scrounges something such as food or money, you disapprove of them because they get it by asking for it, rather than by buying it or earning it.


    e.g. Williams had to scrounge enough money to get his car out of the car park...
    e.g. The government did not give them money, forcing them to scrounge for food.

They are just scroungers.

scrounge 单语例句

1. Single people have to either scrounge up a travelling partner, or reconcile themselves to flying solo.

2. They are quick with warm words and whatever gifts they can scrounge up.

scrounge 英英释义


1. collect or look around for (food)

    Synonym: forage

2. obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling

    e.g. he is always shnorring cigarettes from his friends

    Synonym: schnorrshnorrcadge

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