
seizure是什么意思 seizure在线翻译 seizure什么意思 seizure的意思 seizure的翻译 seizure的解释 seizure的发音 seizure的同义词 seizure的反义词

seizure [ˈsi:ʒə(r)]  [ˈsiʒɚ] 


seizure 基本解释


名词夺取; 没收; 捕捉; 突然发作

seizure 相关例句


1. seizure的翻译

1. He died of a heart seizure.

seizure 网络解释

1. 咬粘:能和接触的金属表面起反应形成一种高熔点无机薄膜以防止在高负荷下发生熔结(welding)、卡咬(或咬粘)(seizure)、划痕(scuffing)或刮伤(scoring)的添加剂.

2. 扣押:搜索(Search)及扣押(Seizure)是刑事诉讼法中证据保全之重要手段及程序之一,且扣押是搜索之接续行为但未必是必要行为. 我国刑事诉讼法於民国九十年对搜索程序作了大幅度之修正,除认搜索程序需依法官保留原则(令状主义-刑事诉讼法第一百二十八条第三项、第一百二十八条之一)外,

3. 抽搐:癫痫症(Epilepsy)是一种慢性的脑神经系统失调.由於各种不同的原因造成反覆的脑神经细胞不规则放电引致.通常一次突然的脑细胞大量放电引发的异常不自主动作或意识改变称为抽搐(Seizure).

seizure 词典解释

1. (尤指心脏病或脑部疾病的)突然发作,侵袭
    If someone has a seizure, they have a sudden violent attack of an illness, especially one that affects their heart or brain.

    e.g. ...a mild cardiac seizure...
    e.g. I was prescribed drugs to control seizures.

2. (对权力、土地的)夺取;(突然的)占领,控制
    If there is a seizure of power or a seizure of an area of land, a group of people suddenly take control of the place, using force.


    e.g. ...the seizure of territory through force.

3. (对非法物品的)起获,查封
    When an organization such as the police or customs service makes a seizure of illegal goods, they find them and take them away.


    e.g. Police have made one of the biggest seizures of heroin there's ever been in Britain.
    e.g. ...arms seizures.

4. (因欠款未还而采取的)没收,充公
    If a financial institution or a government makes a seizure of someone's assets, they take their money or property from them because they have not paid money that they owe.


    e.g. A court ordered the seizure of two ships for non-payment of the debt.

seizure 单语例句


1. The political split in the Palestinian territories resulted from Hamas'seizure of Gaza by force in 2007.

2. Lo attributed the reason for the increased seizure of methamphetamine to excessive demands by drug abusers.

3. When people hear the word seizure, they often think of what doctors call a grand mal seizure.

4. Kennedy was hospitalized May 17 at Massachusetts General Hospital after undergoing a seizure at his home on Cape Cod.

5. Taipei is reluctant to transfer antiques to Beijing because the mainland's laws do not have a " free of capture and seizure " clause for antiques.

6. He said the draft also introduces the principle of " compensation comes first ", which prohibits land seizure if the compensation money has not been secured.

7. Reports emerged that the attackers apparently planned the school seizure months ago, sneaking weapons into the building in advance.

8. South Africa's court of appeal ruled that a police seizure of incriminating documents from Zuma's home and office was legal.

9. CCTV channel Two said the power of " Chengguan " is too much and their seizure cut off the bread for the peddlers.

10. Demi - who was hospitalised in January after suffering a seizure - was recently said to be taking her recovery very seriously.

seizure 英英释义



1. the taking possession of something by legal process

2. the act of forcibly dispossessing an owner of property

    Synonym: capturegaining control

3. the act of taking of a person by force

    Synonym: capture

4. a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease

    e.g. he suffered an epileptic seizure

    Synonym: ictusraptus

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